Ch 17: Cutting Loose Ends

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Captains Anthony Towson and David Fernandes are seen suiting up.

David: We've got two good MP7s. They've got a thousand. We don't even know if Miho's intel is any good. Ant. ...Ant?

We are shown Anthony's "inventory" as he and David prepare to assault Site Hotel Bravo and kill Gen. Reeves: a CheyTac Intervention Bolt-Action Anti-Materiel Rifle, a pair of Night-Vision Goggles, a suppressed Vector w/ ACOG Scope, a suppressed SCAR-H w/ Thermal Sight an M1911 Colt .45 pistol, 4 Flashbangs, 4 Frag Grenades, and a Kukri Knife.

Anthony: The healthy human mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this is its last day. But I think that's a luxury. Not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to take... inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the sand and rocks there, stained with thousands of years of warfare... They will remember us. For this. Because out of our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves. We go forward like a breath exhaled from the Earth. With vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him.

David: Where did I hear that quote from?

Anthony: Call of Duty.

David: Oh okay.

The satellite tracks the two at Site Hotel Bravo, Northwest Vacuo.

Frank:*on the radio* I'll wait for you at the exfil point. Three hours.

David: Don't bother. This was a one-way flight, F.

Frank:*on the radio* Then good luck my friends. God be with you two.

["Cutting Loose Ends"]


[Site Hotel Bravo, Northwest Vacuo]

Captains Anthony Towson and David Fernandes crawl out of their desert camos in a sandstorm and move up a ridge overlooking Site Hotel Bravo.

Anthony: Move out. D, I'm picking up a thermal spike up ahead. The cave must be somewhere over the edge.

They spot a Shadow Company patrol on the road below.

Anthony: Hold up. Enemy patrol. Hold your fire. Looks like Miho's intel was solid. This is it.

The patrol splits its group and begins its patrol.

David: Good, they're splitting up. Let them separate. This decryption code better be worth the price we paid...

Shadow Company is heard in the comms.

Oxide (Shadow Company HQ):*in the comms* Go ahead, Alpha.

Disciple One (Alpha):*in the comms* Riverbed all clear, over.

Oxide (Shadow Company HQ):*in the comms* Bravo?

Disciple Two (Bravo):*in the comms* Sandstorm. Not much to see right now, over.

Oxide (Shadow Company HQ):*in the comms* Zulu?

Disciple Four (Zulu):*in the comms* Uh, we're starting our patrol east along the canyon. North-side access road, over.

David: Focus on the group on the right, directly beneath us. Let's take them out first. I'll take the two on the left. On my mark. Three... Two... One... Mark.

They snipe out the four men on the right side of the road.

Anthony: Just like old times.

They slide down the hill onto the road.

David: All right, we've got to take out the other group before they come back. Move.

They take position behind two guards.

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