26: Oh your feet! We are leaving!

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[March 12th – 23:48:12]


[Solitas, Fort Arrowfell]

Anthony, Carlos, and Blake are gliding with parachutes towards the base in Solitas. Using night vision goggles while Blake has thermal, they guide themselves to an open area and Anthony and Blake kills the two guards with their silenced M18 pistols. As they land, their parachutes detach, and Carlos takes out an M416 Suppressed ACOG Sight.

Blake: Keep up or we'll leave you behind.

Blake grumbled as she and Anthony started to move quickly with Carlos following closely behind them. It's no surprise to the him that Blake is still upset that Carlos didn't tell his past, which cost Vincent's death.

They start their way through the castle grounds. Anthony sees two guards with flashlights. They hide behind a small wall.

Anthony:*via comm link* Get down.

He ordered, they immediately lay prone behind the edge of the wall as Carlos crouched next to them.

Blake:*via comm link* Get caught in those lights and we're done before we've started.

Blake gave a hand gesture behind her, telling Carlos to stay low. They saw the lights shone around them. They waited for a moment until the guards didn't see anything, they began to move away from the three. Anthony peeked out a little from the wall and slowly got up from the ground.

Anthony:*via comm link* Move.

Anthony told as the three got and began to move. They were following the guards for this moment.

Blake:*via comm link* Wait...

Blake said as they immediately hid behind another rocky wall.

Guard 1: How's life?

Guard 2: Cold, dark and humid.

Guard 1: Ha! Yeah, I'm not talking about your sex life.

Guard 2: Ha-ha. Very funny.

They saw an extra three guards coming out from their left and eventually linked up with the two guards they followed before. The guards are then going away from the two positions, seeing that they follow their routine of patrol to the south.

Anthony:*via comm link* This way. Now.

Anthony told as the three stood up and began to move quickly to the left. They move down to the edge of a area filled with vehicles and patrols. Blake glanced at Carlos, not fully looking at him.

Blake: When we're down there, you move when we move. Do as we do. Understand?

Carlos: Yeah.

Anthony: Let's go.

Anthony goes down first, then Blake, followed by Carlos. The three hid behind a transport truck in front of them. Anthony checked to make sure no one was around before they started to move. The sound of Dust engines on top of them and the weather helped them to hide the sound of their footsteps and movements.

Anthony: Hold...

Anthony said as Blake and Carlos stopped behind him and crouched, spotting a guard ahead who wasn't facing their directions as he passed by.

Anthony: Only shoot at what you can kill.

Blake and Carlos followed Anthony, ignoring the guard ahead who is almost out of sight. Anthony peeked out and took a look at the gap between the trucks.

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