Ch: 20 Be careful with Takahashis

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The group continued to eat and celebrate the joyful dinner, drinks and music. With some the kids dancing to music.

As everyone is enjoying the holiday, we see Tomoe and Miho chatting with each other as Kaede serves the two most dangerous women tea.

Miho: You know, Takahashi-san. I haven't celebrate Christmas since 1946. When I was still on Earth.

Tomoe:*sips her tea* I see, it must have either weird or a off not celebrating on Remnant for....

Miho: Over sixty years.

Tomoe: Yes that. But how do you like the celebration here? Not only at a Takahashi Clan Branch estate, but on American soil?

Miho nods thoughtfully, taking in Tomoe's perspective on the celebrations.

Miho: Indeed, the diversity and amalgamation of traditions here bring forth a richness to the holiday spirit. It's a fascinating experience, witnessing the myriad ways people celebrate and finding common threads that bind us all together during this time.

Tomoe: Exactly. The essence of unity, despite the diversity, is what makes celebrations like these truly special.

Their conversation continues, delving into the nuances of traditions, the significance of unity in celebrations, and the shared joy that transcends cultural boundaries during festive seasons. The Takahashi Clan estate becomes a canvas for the blending of past memories and present experiences, a testament to the enduring spirit of the holiday season.

As the two continue talking, in the corner of Tomoe's eye she spots Akari happily chatting with Ragnar. Miho notices this interaction.

Miho: I take it that she's falling for the young sailor?

Tomoe: Akari-chan lost her previous lover during the war. Like all Takahashis in the clan we need to be strong, fast, brave, and calm so when we find a new love. Then we'll find closure in our soul and learn to forget, but remember to mourn our first love.

Miho: Hmm. I remember your grandmother saying the same thing.

Tomoe: Thank you, Nishizumi-sama.

Their conversation highlights the Takahashi Clan's approach to love, loss, and finding closure, underscoring the importance of strength and resilience in navigating such profound emotions.

Tomoe's gaze briefly shifts towards Galen and Kaede, the latter is serving is making sure everyone gets tea while the former is helping her and trying small talk with her. Keyword: TRYING.

Miho notices this interaction too and inquires about Kaede's feelings.

Tomoe: Kaede-san. She's single and she's 24 years of age. She's one the few Takahashis that are not like most of us.

Miho: Insane, psycho and willing to bite your head off?

Tomoe: Yes. And she has zero blood on her hands at all. She also went to collage and after she graduated last year. She became my caretaker.

Miho: But is she good at combat despite her clean record?

Tomoe: I trained her myself. She is on the same combat level as Ryan Cooper II. And has a IQ of 190.

Miho:*mouths* Holy scheiße...

Tomoe: However, she not good with men.

Miho: How so?

Tomoe: She's excellent at hiding her shyness when it comes to boys she likes.

As they observe Kaede's reaction to Galen's conversation, her stoic facade betrays a hint of bashfulness, revealing her hidden feelings toward him.

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