Ch 4: Two eyepatches

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We continue to see Miho's battalion and Iyawa's scout team still on their way to Mistral to meet up with the rest of the allies that are stationed there.

Miho's battalion were staring/studying the winter camouflage uniforms the soldiers and marines were wearing.

Even Miho and her trusted most trusted officers were taking notes.

One of her trusted officers with the fluffy, Brownish-Black-Gray hair named Yukari Akiyama was admiring the American M3 Bradley IFVs.

Another one of her trusted officers with long orangish-gray hair named Saori Takebe was blushing a bit seeing the young men despite being over 60+ and a grandmother.

Hana was just reading a book that one of the soldiers handed her. It was A Promised Land by Barack Obama.

And another one of her trusted officers with long blackish-gray hair named Mako Reizei was keeping watch of their surroundings.

The soldiers and marines, on the other hand, were equally fascinated by the presence of these warriors from the past.

Yukari:*whispering to Miho* Generalfeldmarschall, haben Sie diese Fahrzeuge gesehen? Sie sehen so fortschrittlich und kraftvoll aus.{General Field Marshal, have you seen those vehicles? They look so advanced and powerful.}

Miho:*whispering back* Ja, Akiyama. Wir sollten unbedingt mehr über ihre Technologie erfahren.{Yes, Akiyama. We should definitely learn more about their technology.}

Saori:*blushing* Ähm, Generalfeldmarschall, haben Sie diese jungen Männer gesehen? Selbst in meinem Alter sehen sie ziemlich gut aus.{Um, General Field Marshal, did you see those young men? Even at my age, they're quite handsome.}

Miho:*smiles* Takebe, ich glaube, jeder hat sie bemerkt. Konzentrieren wir uns auf die anstehende Aufgabe.{Takebe, I think everyone noticed them. Let's focus on the task at hand.}

Hana:*reading the book* Generalfeldmarschall, dieses Buch über ihren ehemaligen Führer Barack Obama ist sehr interessant. Es bietet Einblicke in ihre Geschichte und Führung.{General Field Marshal, this book about their former leader, Barack Obama, is quite interesting. It offers insights into their history and leadership.}

Miho:*nodding* In der Tat, Oberst Isuzu. Wenn wir ihre Geschichte verstehen, können wir uns besser mit ihnen identifizieren.{Indeed, Colonel Isuzu. Understanding their history can help us relate to them better.}

Reizei:*keeping watch* Generalfeldmarschall, wir sollten wachsam bleiben. Selbst in unbekanntem Gebiet muss die Sicherheit unserer Truppen für uns oberste Priorität haben.{General Field Marshal, we should remain vigilant. Even in unfamiliar territory, we must prioritize the safety of our troops.}

Miho:*serious* Du hast recht, Reizei. Sicherheit zuerst. Aber nutzen wir diese Gelegenheit auch, um unser Bündnis mit diesen Verbündeten zu lernen und zu stärken.{You're right, Reizei. Safety first. But let's also take this opportunity to learn and strengthen our alliance with these allies.}

As they continued their journey, Miho and her trusted officers remained focused on their mission, eager to meet up with their allies in Mistral and contribute to the fight against Shadow Company.

As they traveled further toward Mistral, the battalion and scout team couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with their North American, South American, and African allies, despite the cultural differences.

The soldiers and marines exchanged curious glances and whispers among themselves, trying to understand the language and customs of these warriors from a different time. They were particularly captivated by the elegant mannerisms of Miho and her officers.

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