Ch: 28 C'mere, assholes!

87 4 13

Kali makes a phone call from a Safehouse in Panama.

"Caller, please authenticate." The Operator ordered.

Kali: Access code: Black Queen. Get me a secure line to asset Metal 0-1.


Kali's call is connected to Tom, who is taking off from a carrier on a Little Bird in the North Sea/Northern Europe.

Tom: Ms. Belladonna, you should know Atlas's got a Kill/Capture order on your head.

Kali: Tell them to join the queue.

Kali: Atlas's two other Councilmen, the ones that you all met in Kenya, is in Paris.

Kali said as profiles of the Atlas Councilmen is shown, located somewhere in Paris.

Kali: We need to act before they bolt back to Atlas. You're the only few nations I trust with this.

Tom: I'm on it.

The satellite shows the assembling of WMDs stored in shipping crates.

Kali: The bastard and bitch used WMDs and tested it out during their invasion of Europe.

The satellite locates the Lieutenant Clorinde Duchamps, trapped in a building somewhere in Paris.

Inspir: SOG have located the Councilmen. They tracked them deep behind contaminated lines, but they're pinned down.

Tom: And you want us to unpin them?

Inspir: Prosecute the target as needed, but they comes back alive. I wanna try some enhanced interrogation techniques on them.

The Little Bird flies into Paris where several parts of the city have been contaminated by the chemical attacks done by Atlas

["Opraction: Bags and Drags"]

[March 27th – 11:10:05]

[SSgt. Christopher "Chris" Towson]


[Montmartre Hill, Paris]

Somewhere in Paris, Tom, Chris, and William are being dropped off on a rooftop from their Little Bird. The helicopter emerges from a cloud of green toxins. They are wearing gas masks to protect themselves from the chemicals which are still spilling from the attacks the previous days. In the skies, transport planes are parachuting reinforcements to help the French.

ODA 595:*via the radio* Any station, any station, this is ODA 595. All Atlas AK-200s at The Louvre are dead/destroyed. Requesting decon units and medivac.

Jonathan Grant:*via the radio* 595, this is Overlord actual. Affirmative. All EUTO forces in Paris are engaged. Triage the civilians and move your team upwind of the plume.

Tom's team lands on the roof. Aerial transports can be seen deploying troops, as well as AA and rocket fire. Chris pulls out his M249 SAW w/ ACOG 4x Scope. SOG gets off the chopper, and the Little Bird flies away.

Tom: This area's still dirty from the chemical attack. Keep your masks on. F, we're on the deck and moving.

Frank:*via the radio* Roger. I'll meet you at the LZ in one hour. Good luck.

They jump down from the roof to the floor below and begin to move through the building which is filled with toxic fumes.

Jonathan:*via the radio* Metal 0-1, Duchamps is pinned down at the Palme d'or restaurant. Get there fast or we'll lose the only shot we've got at finding the PM Belladonna.

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