Ch 8: Marine & Bandit and More wut?

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A/N: I ain't gonna tell when it starts. Just be prepared.

A few days later, we see Chris walking from his bedroom only in his shorts to the kitchen to see Raven cooking breakfast.....or burning it.

Chris:*sighs* Rae, you don't have to turn the stove on high to cook everything y'know.

With a chuckle Chris reached past her, over the burnt black bacon and scorched eggs, turning the knob to shut off the fire. Raven for her part glared at him not that he cared, smiling back at the Branwen.

Raven: Why don't you wake up the kids, and I'll handle breakfast.

Chris: Their toddlers, Rae. A bunch of adorable three year olds.

Yep. The two are not married. But have five twin girls and one boy.

Raven maintained her stern glare for several more seconds... Then he moved in and pecked the former bandit queen on the lips. His hands reaching, settling on the Branwen's full hips, what could he say.

He'd always been attracted to Raven even if at the worst of times those were only physically... Three years could change a lot of things.

Raven's stern expression softened as Chris kissed her, and she couldn't help but smile.

Raven: You always know how to distract me, Chris.

She leaned in for another, longer kiss, savoring the moment. After a moment, she pulled away, her hand resting on his chest.


Pulling her towards him she paused, feeling his hardness against her abdomen. His shorts straining against his throbbing morning wood.

She looked down to it half in confusion and surprise...

Raven: Still...

He shrugged, true, they'd indulged till way past midnight but he'd slept well and had a excess of stamina reinvigorate himself. All that energy didn't just disappear...

Raven: If our men had even half your virility and endurance in the tribe...

Her hand reached, palming his aching crotch over his shorts. Bloody red eyes looked up to meet his dark-brown gaze. One that he returned in full, reaching down, pulling her sleeping robes apart slightly exposing her generous cleavage. The mountainous orbs only sagging the littlest amount.

Raven: Honestly, do you need to stare every time...

Chris:*chuckles* What can I say, guys like breast and yours are the biggest I've ever seen.

Raven:*scoffed* Goodwitch's, Yang's, and even that tall woman Iyawa are just as comparable... If not bigger.

There was a small grumble in that, but one he ignored.

Chris: Like I'd ever eye fuck my Commanding Officer, Iyawa would kill me if I looked at her like a piece of fuckable meat.

Raven: But it's okay to do so with me?

Her brow raised as she waited for him to answer, unfortunately for the ravenette he had a retort as he loomed over her, using his height to his full advantage.

Chris: I wasn't the one who started this.

He reached over cupping one of her breast, squeezing the plump meaty orbs.

Chris: You're the one who came unto me, and I just didn't say no.

It was true, what kinda man-wait. They're plenty of men who would say "no" to a willing MILF like Raven walking in their room butt ass naked.

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