Ch: 27 Quinceañera and First Battle

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It was about two weeks after everything. Or in this case March 26th.

Most of the militaries like NATO, SATO, ROM, Africa, and EUTO were building up for any and all ops and large scale battles.

Blake decided to stay at Anthony's house with her mother Kali as it wasn't safe for her to travel back to New Menagerie yet.

Speaking about Republic of Menagerie, Sienna became the de facto leader as she is the only one in Ghira's cabinet alive. So she has a lot on her plate. Being the general of New Menagerie Self-Defence Force, being the leader of the Greater White Fang, being the de facto leader of ROM, and being a loving wife and mother.

Let's just say that David was happy to be promoted to Major as he and Adam helped Sienna in every way possible. The politics part were handled by the Ambassadors at the embassies in Kuo Kuana.

The evolving dynamics within the region demanded a delicate balance between military readiness, political maneuvering, and personal responsibilities, shaping the landscape as tensions continued to escalate across Remnant.

Right now we see Anthony in his USMC officers uniform in Mexico City, Mexico.

Just like David, he too was promoted. But thanks to Dustin and bit of the other generals and probably politicians.

He was ranked up to Lieutenant Colonel... yep.

But right now you may be asking, "Why is Anthony back in Mexico again?" Well to answer that is because Sofia invited him to Lola, Sara, Luna, and Ana's quinceañera. Or in English, 15th birthday party.

So Anthony being the father of the four girls, made sure to get the first flight to Mexico.

As he walked out of the hotel he was staying at, three black SUVs pull up in front of him and 14 armed men come out.

Then one woman came out last. She was a Cartel Enforcer, she has Long Black Hair, and Many Tattoos.

 She was a Cartel Enforcer, she has Long Black Hair, and Many Tattoos

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Cartel Enforcer: Buenas tardes, teniente coronel Towson. ¿Tu vuelo hasta aquí fue seguro? {Good afternoon, Lieutenant Colonel Towson. Was your flight here safe?}

Anthony doesn't answer and just looks annoyed.

Anthony: María. Estás asustando a mis hijos otra vez. {Maria. Your scaring my kids again.}

He said pointing at the baby strollers with Megumi, Nao, Youko, Sachiko, and Washington and behind them were Sora, Junko, Tsuki, and Tony. The babies and toddlers looked nervous.

Anthony: This is the fourth time Maria.

14 armed men hid their guns as Maria cleared her throat and approached the kids with a smile.

And before you ask, the men and Maria are part of Sofia's Cartel. And were tasked to pick Anthony and the kids up for the quinceañera.

Maria: Candy?

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