Ch: 24 Love Lockdown

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Meanwhile, we currently open up in North Mantle as PFC Vincent Towson and 1st Lieutenant Carlos Marston move behind the vehicles and across the street, they finally reach a building. Inside, a large number of Great White Fang soldiers and civvies are taking shelter from the storm.

Marston: Captain, we're in position.

Anthony:*via radio* Copy. Get comfortable. We've got a few hours until the meeting.

Vincent: You got it, Ant. C'mon, sir. Let's get set up.

Vincent climbs up to the roof and Carlos follows.

As time passes since the infiltration, the clock on the hotel fast forwards from 10pm to 6am. Later it is 7am, Falcon Greene still has not arrived for his meeting.

Vincent: Which vehicle will he be in?

Carlos: They constantly rotate for security. We won't know until he steps out.

Vincent: You seem to know a bit about Greene.

Carlos: Doesn't everyone?

Vincent: Fair point.

Vincent and Carlos still wait in the building tower.

Anthony:*via radio* Alpha One-one, radio check, over.

Blake:*via radio* Alpha One-two, copy.

Adam:*via radio* Alpha One-three, read you.

Carlos: Bravo One-one and Bravo One-two, copy on our end. We're dug in with a good line of sight.

Blake:*via radio* Right. Ironwood's our eyes and ears inside the hotel. Once he gives us the nod, we'll kick this off. What do you two see?

Blake said as the view changes to inside the building, facing the target building through the window.

Vincent: Don't know, babe. Looks like Falcon's late for his own funeral.

Vincent said as a Bullhead flies towards the target building.

Adam:*via radio* Sit tight until we can get a clean shot. Then you can put as many rounds on him as you like.

Vincent: It'll only take one. One shot. One kill

[March 4th – 07:01:33]


[Solitas, North Mantle]

Vincent and Carlos are in the building tower overlooking the hotel where Falcon is suppose to be meeting. As they get ready, Vincent loads a sniper round into a magazine. Carlos locks his M40A5 ready.

Carlos: It's almost time, Towson. The meeting will be on the second floor.

Carlos turns outside and aims. Vincent sees a convoy of vehicles arriving just outside the hotel. He loads the magazine into his M40A5, locks it ready, and aims at the convoy, consisting of two APCs and two SC black SUVs.

Blake:*via radio* Heads up. Greene's convoy is arriving now.

Vincent: We see it. Four vehicles. No visual on Greene yet.

Vincent informed as he aimed the gun at the front of the SUV. As they arrived in front of the doors, they stopped.

Carlos: They're stopping in front of the hotel.

Anthony:*via radio* Do you see him?

Vincent aimed his scope at the second SUV. He saw a Shadow Company member approaching the second SUV by walking up to the SUVs passenger window. And there he was.

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