Ch: 29 Down with Atlas! Up with the stars!! 1

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Today is April 5th, 2039 at Mountain Glenn Base. What we see is hundreds close to thousands of both Great White Fang, New Menagerie SDF, African soldiers, EUTO soldiers, Vale Huntsmen, Vacuo Huntsmen, No-Pats, Ooarai soldiers, Brazilian Ghosts SF, SATO soldiers and marines, and NATO soldiers, marines, airmen, sailors, and SF.

All preparing for the invasion of Atlas.

Within the crowd we see many transport vehicles, IFVs, APCs, and tanks are loading in cargo planes since Atlas is a floating city.

And thanks to the enhanced interrogation techniques that Eversor, Miho, and Inspir did to the two Atlas Councilmen.......that died.

Gotten key locations and the perfect landings to invade Atlas.

The green farmlands that Atlas uses for crops to feed its population would become the very thing allowing for troops and Huntsmen to invade Atlas by- especially if they were caught off-guard

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The green farmlands that Atlas uses for crops to feed its population would become the very thing allowing for troops and Huntsmen to invade Atlas by- especially if they were caught off-guard.

And the location of Shadow Company HQ, Schnee Mansion, Atlas Academy, and a large heavily fortified prison holding the former Atlas Councilmen, Camilla and Sleet.

But many of the White Fang, Faunus, and Ghira himself.

To Blake, Sienna and many of the GWF and SDF surprise Kali was there in her old Menagerie Guard uniform and a chest rig.

Blake: Mom, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be-

Kali: Blake. They took your father. And I'm planning to rescue him too. I can't just sit around and wait for the news.

Sienna: Just like before, your stubbornness when it comes to your husband.

The determined resolve in Kali's eyes mirrored the collective spirit of the forces assembled. The mission to invade Atlas was not just a military operation; it was a personal quest for justice, freedom, and the rescue of loved ones. As the forces geared up for the assault, the green farmlands of Atlas, once a symbol of sustenance, now became the strategic entry point for the impending invasion. The stage was set for a confrontation that would decide the fate of Atlas and those who sought to liberate it from the shadows of oppression.

In the midst of preparations for the confrontation with Falcon Greene at the Shadow Company Headquarters, Anthony diligently checked off the list of gear he and Adam would be equipped with. Meanwhile, Tomoe, with a mix of concern and determination, straightened Adam's clothes.

Adam: Mrs. Takahashi, I'll be fine.

Tomoe shot him a look, effectively silencing any further objections from Adam.

Tomoe: Now, I want you to make sure that Anthony comes out alive. Alive and standing. I don't want to inform Rena that another one of her sons was killed by Greene.

Adam: I'll try to keep safe.

The petite woman, in her 50s, sighed, looking up at the tall 6'5" redhead Bull Faunus. The weight of the impending confrontation and the shared concern for Anthony's safety hung in the air as preparations continued.

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