Ch 5: Meetings

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Miho decided to take off her hat which reveals her fox Faunus ears. Chris who saw wanted to question how she got them.

But decided to leave it and head to his barracks to rest.

A Mexican soldier in the background is heard saying about Miho's battalion.

Mexican soldier: You've gotta be kidding me. They're Germans?

Major General Mihaly Macnamara also noticed them as well.

Mihaly:*to Chris* Where de fuck did you find those Krauts?

Chris: They were kicking Atlesian Asses in the Steppes, sir.

Mihaly raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the presence of Miho's battalion.

Mihaly: Germans, huh? Well, if they're as tough as you say, we could certainly use some more firepower. Keep an eye on them, Marine. We might just have some interesting missions coming up.

Chris nodded, fully aware that the addition of Miho's battalion could be a game-changer in the battles to come.

Chris: Will do, sir. They're battle-hardened veterans, and they'll be a valuable asset to our forces.

As the conversation concluded, Chris headed to his barracks to rest and prepare for the challenges that lay ahead, while Miho and her family continued their exploration of the Mistral Joint-Huntsmen/Military Base, ready to contribute to the fight against Shadow Company.

Winter, Weiss, and Whitley then introduces Frank, Tom, William and David to Miho and her trusted officers.

Winter: Just a heads up Lieutenant Colonel Frank Riverton....Is my husband, Aunt Miho.

Miho also looked at Frank's battlefield scars. He had a scar on the middle of his hand from a knife(WW3). Gunshot wound scar across the side of his head, Burn wounds on his back, and scar at the side of his face(Battle of Vale).

Miho extended her hand in greeting to Frank, showing respect for his service and the sacrifices he had made on the battlefield.

Miho: It's an honor to meet you, Lieutenant Colonel Riverton. Your scars tell the story of a true warrior. I can see you've faced your fair share of challenges.

Frank shook her hand firmly and nodded.

Frank: Likewise, General Field Marshal. Your reputation precedes you. It's not every day we meet someone with your level of experience and tenacity.

Miho: Experience comes with age, Colonel. And tenacity... well, that's just a part of who I am.

She turned her attention to the others.

Miho: It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I can see that you've been through some tough battles as well. We're here to stand together and fight against our common enemy.

Tom, William, and David nodded in agreement, and they all exchanged introductions and pleasantries, united by the shared goal of defeating Shadow Company.

Weiss: Aunt Miho, these gentlemen have been invaluable allies in our fight against Shadow Company. Their experience and dedication have saved countless lives.

Miho: I can see that, Weiss. We'll make a formidable team, and together, we'll put an end to this threat.

As they continued their conversations and introductions, it became clear that Miho's presence and her battalion's arrival had strengthened the bonds among the allies stationed at the Mistral Joint-Huntsmen/Military Base, and they were now more determined than ever to face the challenges ahead.

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