Ch: 32 Down with Atlas! Up with the stars! 4

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It was now night time and downtown Atlas was a all-out warzone.

Mostly because the AK-200s and Paladins were giving trouble to allied troops.

In the middle of the heavy fighting we see RWBY, JNPR, STRQ, Fox, SSSN, Zure, Otto, Boyko, Nina, Hans, Vladimir, Vernal, Marrow, Vine, Clover, Jacob L/n, Clorinde, Mako, Pavel, Tom, Velvet, William, Elm, Winter, Boyko, Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Whitley, Yatsuhashi, Damian Tomioka, Iyawa, Cye Nav, Elec Nav, Chris, Kevin, Yagi Avancini, Bula, Dusk Avancini, Glynda, Coco, Mina, Harriet, Miho, Ryan, Dustin, David, Frank, Mihaly, and Willow.

All in a defensive circle behind debris as cover.

David:*shooting a couple sentries* ANY WORD ON ANT?!

Dustin:*reloading* No! No word from Adam either!

As the chaos of battle raged around them, the group huddled behind their makeshift cover, their weapons at the ready. The night air was filled with the sounds of gunfire, explosions, and shouts of combatants.

Chris and Kevin exchanged concerned glances at David's question about Anthony and Adam. The absence of their comrades weighed heavily on their minds, adding to the tension of the situation.

Chris: They'll make it through. They have to.

Kevin: We'll find them. We have to keep pushing forward.

Their determination to reunite with their missing allies fueled their resolve as they continued to fend off the advancing enemy forces. Every shot fired and every move made was a step closer to their goal of overcoming the enemy and bringing their friends home safely.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the chaos, Miho scanned the battlefield, her eye sharp and focused as she searched for any sign of their missing comrades. She knew that every second counted, and they couldn't afford to leave anyone behind.

Miho: Keep your eyes open, everyone. We'll find them. They're out there somewhere.


Everyone ducked as a shell from an Atlas T30 tank shot in front of them.

Ruby: Shit!!

Jaune: Atlas armor! Anyone got some explosives or Anti-tanks stuff?

Nora: Not me! Ran out an hour ago.

Iyawa: Same.

Ryan: What about-

Before he finish, very loud music was heard from the distance. Stopping the fighting momentaily.

Frank: Am I tripping or am I hearing "Free Bird"?

A second later. Jumping from a blown out building.

Was a M1130 CV with Aoto and Anthony on top blasting "Free Bird"!!

Anthony:*while the Stryker ICV is still in the air* HERE WE FUCKIN GOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Aoto:*on top of the left side* Here comes trou-!!!

Anthony:*on top of the right side* -ble!!!

Aoto: Trou-!!!

Anthony: -ble!!!

Aoto: TROU-!!!

Anthony: -BLE!!!

Both brothers jumped off the Stryker early as it crashed and destroys the tank as the two landed in front of everyone.


Mina:.......Do it again!!

The unexpected entrance of Aoto and Anthony, accompanied by the roaring sound of "Free Bird," momentarily stunned everyone. However, their spectacular arrival quickly turned the tide of battle into a moment of awe and amusement.

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