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Ryota is holding his head in pain "ahh I'm so sorr-" Ryota was about to say until he saw who he had bump into, it's his own rival Ai Hayasaka "oh it's you..."Says Ryota

"yep it's me" Says Hayasaka "What are you doing, you look like you were lost in thought"

"It's none of ya business" Says Ryota "Where are you going? Trying to make Prez confess again?" He says with a smirk on his face "Well tough luck I already gave him the upperhand, one day Shinomiya will confess her feeling"

"Looks like you haven't changed at all" Says Hayasaka as she put on a smile "Just who do you think gave Chika those tickets?"

Ryota is shocked, but then regain his composure

These two are not friends, but are rivals. It was one day when the two of them was scheming to make Miyuki/Kaguya confess their feelings. But it was a complete fails, Ryota then realize Hayasaka was in it to make Miyuki confess. Hayasaka also realize Ryota was trying to make Kaguya to confess. They soon became rivals.

After half a year they soon realize they have no hatred to one another, but another feeling. But these two doesn't know what these feelings are. Will these two who are inexperience with love finds out about their true feelings. Maybe but not today, not tomorrow, maybe not even in a month, who knows when. Now back to these two.

"Hah just because you planned this all doesn't mean you can win" Says Ryota  "And you should know that my next plans for making Shinomiya confess is perfect"

"You say that about the last 10 plans you had" Says Hayasaka "And they all failed"

"They were all perfect! There was just complication"

"Your last plan was to make lady Kaguya walk in on the president changing clothes..."

"Like I said perfect" Says Ryota while smirking

Hayasaka is just speechless "well whatever I'll see you later" Says Hayasaka as she walked away

As he saw her walking away his heart skip a beat 'What the, why did my heart skipped a beat. Do I have arrhythmia?' Thought Ryota confused but he decided to ignore it for now and went to class.


"HOW LEWD" Screams out Kaguya

Inside the student council room Kaguya was freaking over something she'd saw while Miyuki and Ryota is sitting down on the couch.

"What exactly happened?" Ask Ryota

"There were two people sharing food!" Says Kaguya angrily "Can you believe that!?"

"..Is it just me or that doesn't sound that bad?" Ask Ryota

Miyuki just shrugged

"You don't understand! To do that in front of other people" Says Kaguya "I.. It's practically begging!!"

"That seems a bit harsh don't you think?" Says Ryota

"Either way, all this talking about food is making me hungry, so I'll have lunch now" Says Miyuki

"oh? You brought your own food?" Ask Kaguya as Miyuki set his lunch on the table

"Ahh! Miyu's homemade food! My favourite" Says Ryota

"Didn't you bring your own food?" Ask Miyuki

"Well yeah" Says Ryota "But it's been forever seen I've tasted your homemade meals... so can I...?" Ryota asked awkwardly

Miyuki lets out a giggle "Sure you can have some bud"

"Yaay!" :D

Miyuki then open his lunch box and there it was. And for the first time in Kaguya's life, Kaguya saw a lunch as something to be honored. There is boiled vegetables, omelets, dried plums, meat, octopus shaped wieners!! And to top it all of seasonings! It was a sight to behold.

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now