The Mystery of Seiya

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Seiya, an ex delinquent, though nobody knows the reason why he became a delinquent, and why he stopped, he's a mysterious guy

"I wonder what I should get for dinner" Said Seiya, he looks at the remaining cash he had, it's not a lot

He lives in a dimly lit apartment, he looks around and decides to just have a piece of bread for dinner


It shows Seiya as a child, he's at a dimly lit room, a figure can be seen towering over him

 "This is all your fault"

"Not again..." Said Seiya, he had seen this dream before, and it hurt him every single time

"Why were you even born?"

"Stop..." Seiya plead

Seiya is engulfed in darkness, he couldn't see anything, blames are tossed around

"It's your fault"

"You did this"

"If you'd just go with..."

"None of this could've happened"

Seiya couldn't take it anymore



Seiya woke up in cold sweats, he's breathing heavily "Why..." He goes to the sink to wipe his face 


It's a new day for the students at Shuchi'in academy, some people are talking, some people are learning, and some people really need to not be lovey dovey every time they see each other

Seiya does none of that, he barely talks to anyone, beside Kenji and Ryuju of course

 People know him as the loner, creepy, the delinquent, and the vampire, no wait that's Ryuju nickname for him

Nevertheless this is just a normal life for Seiya, he's now currently sleeping on his desk, until he is woken up by Kenji

"Oh, you're awake" Said Kenji "I was starting to think you wouldn't wake up"

"I was having a nice sleep" Said Seiya "Then you ruined it..."

"Oh come on, don't be such a grump" Said Kenji

Seiya groan "Let me sleep... I didn't get enough sleep last night..."

"I would" Said Kenji "But class will start soon"

Seiya groan once more "Noooo...." He whines

Kenji chuckles "The sport festival is coming up, are you gonna run the relay?"

"You expect me to run?" Said Seiya

"Guess not" Said Kenji

"Are you?" Said Seiya

"When push come to shove, I'll consider it" Said Kenji, soon the class starts and their conversation has to come to an end


The roof, where not a lot of people come to hang out, with the exception of three people, that being Kenji, Ryuju, and Seiya

Kenji is here to get away from his so called fangirls, being handsome has it's downsides

Ryuju is just here because she claim this spot, also so she could break the rules, coming from a yakuza family, no one dare to mess with her

Seiya is mostly here just to hang out with these two

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