The Aftermath

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On the student council room Miyuki is sitting on the president's desk and Ryota is standing on the other side of it as he crosses his arm

"So after everything that happened, she kissed you and you don't even know if you two are a couple or not?" said Ryota a little dissapointed "I mean, she kissed you right? How do you not know?"

"I mean... We didn't really talk about it after the kiss" said Miyuki

"I feel like talking about it is necessary after a kiss" said Ryota

"I don't know, I'm new to this kind of thing" said Miyuki "How am I supposed to talk to her after that intense kiss?"

"A first kiss can't be that intense, sure you may feel sparks but it's not bad at the end of the day" said Ryota

"You don't get it" said Miyuki, he looks toward Ryota looking pretty distraught "The kiss involved tongues"

Ryota is taken aback "What?!" he shouts in disbelief "What- What kind of first kiss involve tongues?!"

"I don't know! She initiated it and we were in the spur of the moment" explained Miyuki "Now I don't know if she really meant it or it was the spur of the moment!"

"You're hopeless..." Before anyone can say anything more, Chika burst into the room

"Hey! You two are early" shout Chika happily "What'cha talkin about?"

"Why are you in such a happy mood?" asked Ryota

"The festival was fun and it is a shame that we didn't find Arsene, but I got pretty close though and I'm happy with that" answered Chika "Anyway, I planned on talking to Kenji today and you can't do anything about it!" She points at Ryota feeling proud

Ryota got a little ticked off by it while Miyuki is in a thoughtful state, he then said "Kenji? Didn't he confess to a guy?"

"Huh?" Chika is in a frozen state, speechless and shocked

"Seriously is that the talk of the school now?" said Ryota as he crosses his arm "I feel like the bonfire heart balloon stunt would be the talk of the school"

"Well statically speaking some would say Kenji is very handsome" said Miyuki "Would be a surprise if no one talks about it, also the fact that these people you know... Can be hateful. Some people find it shocking and some just really doesn't care as much"

"Looks like you're the latter" said Ryota

"I don't really meddle with the other students affair" said Miyuki

Just then Ishigami comes into the room "Oh hey guys, sup" He waves his hand to the two boys in the room, he then took notice of the still frozen Chika "Is Fujiwara alright?"

Ryota shrugs his shoulders "I'm sure she'll be fine"

"I don't know... This is a new thing for Fujiwara" said Ishigami "I've never really seen her in this state..."

"She'll get over it" said Ryota 

And finally Shinomiya walks in to the room, but there's something off about her she looks a bit more childish, like a chibi version of herself. She walks over to the president's desk and look up to Miyuki "Hey Shinomiya, I..." Miyuki starts but stop and take notice of her "Your vibe is totally different today"

"Now that you mention it... She looks more childish than usual" said Ishigami

"Is something wrong with her?" said Ryota "Maybe she's sick..."

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