Bonfire Finale

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Ryota is currently standing on top of the roof with Miyuki wearing a costume which consist of a top hat and a cape

"If I got to be honest" said Ryota "You look ridiculous"

"I'd say I look dope" said Miyuki, he began admiring his costume "This drip won't quit"

"Please don't say those words while you're wearing that..." It's time for the two of them to execute the final part of the plan, the bonfire finale! Ryota name that last part of the plan. Everything has been set up

Everything was going according to his plans. Cosplay, balloon arts, a mystery, calling card, the legend of the devoted heart, the jewel, and finally the bonfire. "I got to say, this is the most complex confession I've ever seen" said Ryota

"You think this is too much?" asked Miyuki

"As long as it works, I guess it's fine" answered Ryota

"Let's go out with a bang" said Miyuki feeling determined

"Yeah..." said Ryota "On that note, it's almost time. Good luck" He waves Miyuki goodbye and leaves the roof, as he walks down the stairs and through the hallways back to ground floor, he spotted Hayasaka walking out of the student council room

"Ryota" Hayasaka greets her boyfriend "Good timing, do you know where the president is?"

"I shouldn't tell you or anyone I guess" said Ryota

"This is important" said Hayasaka "Kaguya sama wanted to confess to him"

Ryota is silent for a bit "Wait what?"

"I know it's surprising" said Hayasaka "But she's not 100% right now, she might just do it so I'm searching for him right now"

"But... He is planning to confess to her..." said Ryota

Hayasaka is silent, she needed time to process "So does that mean they're both planning to confess?"

Ryota nods "They finally got it together"

"Yeah..." said Hayasaka "The bonfire is going to start, wanna check it out?"

"Yeah, let's check it out" said Ryota, Hayasaka proceed to grab his hand and they walk together till they reach to where the bonfire is supposed to happen. Shinomiya is ready with her bow and set her arrow on fire "So this is how you make a bonfire... Learn archery" he joked

Hayasaka chuckles "Hey, it makes for a good show" Shinomiya proceed to fire the arrow, it hits and starts the bonfire "And it makes for an amazing sight"

Shinomiya walks up to Hayasaka and Ryota "The president is a bit of a bully isn't it?"

"You really were off on your own little world aren't you?" said Hayasaka

"He's not a bully" said Ryota

"When did you get here?"

"I was here with Ai" said Ryota "You didn't even notice me"

Before Shinomiya could say anything more a calling card falls from the sky, and a bit more fall. This confuse all the people in the area until Chika pick one up and is surprised "This is his third calling card!"

Then Karen notices something "Hey look up there!" she points up to the roof "The jewels of the dragon! It's suddenly disappeared!" The jewels has indeed disappeared from the dragon!

Ryota smirk 'Not bad Miyu' thought Ryota

"Who did this?" shout Shinomiya in frustration "Who played this prank on the president's giant ball?!"

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