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The election has ended, Miyuki won, he is now recruiting Miko to join the student council, Ryota, Ishigami, and Chika is standing behind Miyuki fidgeting

Miyuki notices them after Osaragi pointed them out "Hm? What is it?" Said Miyuki

"I'm just wondering what's gonna happen with the other jobs..." Said Chika "The president gets to pick who's on the council... So, um..."

"She's saying she's worried you might not pick us again" Said Ishigami "Because we all have deeply rooted insecurities"

"Yeah that!!" Said Chika

"He's right..." Said Ryota "We're just worried that you won't pick us again..."

"You said not to worry about it, but it's still so hard!" Said Chika "Now I'm scared of everything!!"

"What on earth are you talking about, secretary Fujiwara?" Said Miyuki "You too, historian Ryota, and treasurer Ishigami" They all smiled "Our first job as the new student council is to go put away the the chairs in the gym"

Soon after this Miyuki went and make Shinomiya the vice once more


Ryota and Hayasaka is sitting near the tree

"Told you we'll win" Said Ryota

"Did you even do anything?" Said Hayasaka

"That's beside the point" Said Ryota

"Heard we're getting an auditing officer" Said Hayasaka "Who is it?"

"Miko Iino" Said Ryota

"Seriously?" Said Hayasaka


"Guess it all worked out in the end" Said Hayasaka "Come here" Hayasaka hugs Ryota

"What is this for?" Said Ryota

Hayasaka pat his head "I want to show affection to my boyfriend"

Ryota blush "Yeah okay..."

Hayasaka wants to give her affection to Ryota, Shinomiya had given her too much work and she just want a break, and Ryota is that break. And Ryota had never had this type of affection in a long time, because his mother, you know...


It has been one week since the new student council was formed, Miko now know what it feels like to be apart of the student council, she knows what the members are like... Or at least she thought

"People who happily break the school rules... People who isn't always on the student council when they're needed... People who routinely perform unspeakable acts in the student council room..." Said Miko "Where is your pride!? Have you no pride as the representative of this school!?"

"Which one is the unspeakable act one?" Said Ryota

Miko pointed at Miyuki and Shinomiya "These two!"

"Huh..." Ryota is now stunned "Are they together now?"

Miyuki and Shinomiya got flustered "No, we aren't together!" Said Shinomiya

"Don't be ridiculous" Said Miyuki

'Dammit' Thought Ryota

"Why can't you all learn from Fujiwara's example?" Said Miko

'Uhhh...' Thought everyone beside Miko and Chika

"First of all... For someone who's supposed to be leading by example, you're far too slouched" Miko scold Miyuki "Straighten up!"

"Iino, a word..." Said Shinomiya, Miko goes with Shinomiya to talk

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now