Cold Kaguya

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The atmosphere is tense as Kaguya takes a sip of coffee while sitting on the couch. Miyuki and Ryota watch in caution

As Kaguya is done sipping the coffee, she commented "This is awful"

"S.. Sorry!" said Miyuki

"At least now I appreciate how good the coffee our servant made" said Kaguya "This taste like boiled sea slugs"

"I've never made coffee before..." said Miyuki

"Did she just call Fujiwara a servant?" Ryota whisper toward Miyuki "Why is she so cold?"

"Don't ask me. I don't know either" said Miyuki

"Sagami.... Could you excuse us for a moment?" Kaguya said that with a little glare added to scare Ryota "The student council president and I need to talk... Privately"

This works as Ryota gets a bit nervous "Yeah okay..." With that Ryota walk out the door a bit terrified of Kaguya. He hasn't been scared of her since a long time ago or a few months back. So he decided to search for the one person he knows that is an expert of Kaguya, his girlfriend Hayasaka

"You're saying Kaguya-sama has gone back to her old self?" said Hayasaka

"You got all that?" asked Ryota

"Well it was a bit hard" said Hayasaka "Since you decided to play charades for some reason" she remembers the different pose and movement Ryota made just a minute ago

"I was out of breath" said Ryota "Anyway, since you're her servant you think there's something wrong here?"

"As her servant there must be something wrong" said Hayasaka "There must be something that caused this. Could be caused by that tongue kiss, but that would broke her before today. Maybe there's something wrong with her brain"

"If there is something on her brain, why did is start messing up now?" asked Ryota 

"I don't know"

"Well is there a way to fix her up?" asked Ryota

"I don't know" said Hayasaka "These things usually resolve itself, I never approached it head on"

"When does these thing resolve itself?" asked Ryota

"I don't know" Hayasaka shrugged "It varies. But it's usually done before the month ends. Maybe a week or two. Depends on the situation"

"Come on! You have to know something" said Ryota "Maybe she have brain damage"

"No. I checked multiple times, she's fine" said Hayasaka "Maybe she's finally growing up. I'd say we let her figure herself out this time, we spend too much meddling with their love life"

"Yeah, kind of getting tired from all of it" said Ryota

"This'll resolve itself. Don't sweat it" said Hayasaka "Now come on, let's enjoy our life now" Hayasaka opens her hand for Ryota to take

Ryota takes it "Yeah. Let us"


"You think they'll be fine?" asked Ryota

"What's the worst thing that can happen?" said Hayasaka, she starts thinking "There's a lot..."


The three boys of the student council is sitting down on the couch, Miyuki is falling asleep as he counts sheep. Miyuki's face is nervous as he starts counting coffins instead of sheep which freaks out Ishigami and Ryota in the room

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