Ryota's Week of Weirdness...

415 17 31


Ryota is working on his laptop with Ishigami beside him also working, Chika is also working.. Then Miyuki came in and Shinomiya follows.. 

"Oh Kaguya! Can you take a look at this" Said Chika, Shinomiya walks to Chika with her hands behind her back

"Oh yes.." Said Shinomiya, Chika then notices Shinomiya has her hands behind her back

"Kaguya?" Said Chika "Are you hiding something behind your back?" Which makes Ryota notices

"Why.. Are you hiding your hands?" Said Ryota stopping his work temporarily

"No.. Nothing" Said Shinomiya still hiding her hand... She then walks to Miyuki while holding papers "President here.. The minutes from the other day"

"Ah thank you" Said Miyuki, Shinomiya put the papers on the table... After awhile Shinomiya walk away from Miyuki, they both starts to sweat a bit

Ryota then notices something weird about them 'What's happening..?' Thought Ryota, Chika then walk up to Miyuki, walking past Ishigami

"Fujiwara.. You changed conditioners" Said Ishigami

"Huh? You can tell?" Said Chika surprised

"Yeah I mean... You smell different from usual.." Said Ishigami, Ryota is signaling Ishigami to back down.. "It's a bit damper today, but it smells a bit cuter than normal. You could say it's like the way baby smells, I guess.."

There was a small silence until Chika said "Ishigami... You're kinda creepy" Ishigami is devastated..

"You can tell when Fujiwara smells different from usual.." Said Shinomiya

"Do I smell..." Said Chika

"I- I'm sure he didn't mean that.." Said Ryota trying to diffuse the situation..

Ishigami went up to Miyuki with tears in his eyes "President, I'd like to go kill myself now, so I'm heading home for the day"

"Um okay... But please don't die.." Said Miyuki, Ryota then notices something about Shinomiya's hand... It's painted...

Ryota pull out his phone to text Hayasaka


Did you paint Shinomiya's nails?

yes I did!


because it's cute!
don't you think it's cute?

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c'mon.. Kaguya needs to get more fashionable
i mean what kind of girl don't care about fashion??
speaking of fashion...


c'mon! atleast comb your hair a bit..

My hair is fine, thank you

well then get other clothes beside hoodie and shirts..
it's not very fashionable

I like it comfy

i'm gonna make you more fashionable if it's the last thing i do

Ryota chuckles a bit before putting his phone in his pockets and getting back to work...

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