Play The Game

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Inside the student council, all the members are sitting on the couch planning a party for their sister school from Paris.

They're almost done planning, the only thing they need now is some souvenir

"... Someone has to buy some souvenir candies" Said Chika

"We'll need two people for that" Said Shinomiya while writing something down

"Two?" Said Ryota confused

"Even if the candies themselves are small, the amount will add up if we buy enough for everyone." Explained Shinomiya "We'll also need to buy several other things"

"... I see" Said Ryota

"Which means giving up the weekend to go shopping. That sounds incredibly tiresome" Said Miyuki "Ahhh, I really don't want to do it"

'Too obvious dude' Thought Ryota with a slight smirk

"Ahhh, such a pain. If only someone else would volunteer" Said Miyuki "Right Shinomiya?"

"Yes... I suppose" Said Shinomiya 

"We'll be in trouble if no one does it" Said Chika

"Oh? Well if you say so, then I suppose..." Said Miyuki

Chika then notices some work cards and gets an idea

"Oh! Let's play a game, and whoever the first two to lose has to go!" Said Chika

"A game?" Said Miyuki and Shinomiya confused

'Are you kidding me?!' Thought Ryota frustrated

"Yeah the banned word game!" Said Chika while holding up the cards

"Let's give it a try, we each write down a word like this, and give it to the person on the right." Explained Chika while writing down the word simple "The word you get is your Banned Word. You hold it so you can't see what it is."

Miyuki hold the card over his head and said "So I don't know what my word is then?"

"So you get how it works?" Asked Chika

"Yes It's quite simple" Said Miyuki

Chika then proceed to make a buzzer sound. Miyuki is shocked and looked at the card

"Okay then let's play for real" Says Chika

The Game Begins!

'So the first two loser have to go huh?' Thought Ryota 'That means Miyu and Shinomiya have to lose for them to go shopping together... All I need to do is think of a word Miyu always says.... But what word?'

After some time thinking Ryota has finally knows what word to give to the president, he wrote down the word serious 'This is perfect... Now all I have to do now is to figure out how to make Shinomiya loses... But it all depends on the word.... Please make it easy Chika'

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Asked Chika

Then the game begins and it reveals that the word Shinomiya gets is love 'Dammit how am I gonna make her say that?' Then he saw that the word Chika gets is Dawg... 'Couldn't you try to be more subtle?' Clearly aim toward Miyuki

"Yo! Yo! Le's gid started yo!" Said Chika shocking both Miyuki and Ryota

"Fujiwara... What... Are.. You..?" Said Miyuki confused

Chika laughs a bit before saying  "Dis' banned word game gon' boring if ah jus' talk normally yo! so ah'm gon' mix up the way ah talk a bit yo!"

Ryota is just in utter shock and confusion 'At this rate she's gonna say the word'

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now