Study Session

416 11 37


The school is tense. They all know why, the exams are coming. Some are prepared, most are not. The two who are most prepared are Miyuki and Shinomiya, Miyuki have been in the top spot for 3 exams in a row! They've been in an outgoing battle.. No, not the love one, but a battle for the top spot!

Then, there's Ryota, who's on the last exam manages to get the 87 spot. Chika, which manages to get the 91 spot. And then there's Ishigami, who's on the lows of the lows, having the 197 spot.

"Final exams are coming up soon" Said Shinomiya, holding a piece of paper "Have you all been studying?" Chika sweats and whistle, trying to play it cool "Please, stop whistling Fujiwara"

Ryota looks away nervously "There's no need to study for exams" Said Miyuki which surprised Shinomiya "If you simply study on a constant basis, you won't have any problem. You won't learn anything if you just cram the night before the test. On the contrary, all cramming will do is cause your physical condition to deteriorate"

"Why are you so serious?" Said Ryota, slightly freaked out

"Exams are the most important thing" Said Miyuki "If you just cram it all night, you won't succeed. And thus fail in life" This makes Ryota sweat a bit "I highly recommend you all avoid last minute cramming as well"

Miyuki said this, but in reality Miyuki have been cramming for the past ten nights! Because of his part time job he doesn't have time to "study on a constant basis" He worries that Shinomiya will take the top spot away from him

"You're right. Exams are meant to show your own abilities. Trying to push yourself may give you a higher score, but it won't let you see how well you'll do in the future" Said Shinomiya "It's best to just approach test the same way you would anything else"

Shinomiya said this, but in reality she's the most serious she's ever been. She'd never defeated Miyuki, and wanted to take the top spot.

Just then Ishigami gets up and ready to leave "Ishigami maybe you should push yourself a little" Said Shinomiya "If you fail another exam, you'll need to take remedial courses.."

"I'll be fine. I'm really studying this time" Said Ishigami, he turns to leave "I'm going to study some more at home"

Ishigami said this, but in reality he just bought a new game and is eager to play it

"I very well doubt that.." Said Ryota, not believing Ishigami

"How about you?" Said Miyuki "Have you been studying?"

"Miyu.. Are you accusing me of not studying?" Said Ryota "Well, I've been studying for the past week, so I don't need to worry"

Ryota said this, but in reality he's not been studying, he just remembered that the exam was coming up yesterday. He's also been distracted by something or someone else

"Well if you say so" Said Miyuki

"I'm worried about language art" Said Chika "I'm great with foreign language and even slang. But I just don't test well"

"Well the way you learned all those languages was a bit out of ordinary" Said Miyuki "Studying normally might not be as effective for you"

"The amount you study doesn't necessarily translate directly to a higher score" Said Shinomiya "You might even be better off not studying at all" 

"That's right. I make a point of not studying at all for the three days before a test to keep myself in a state of mind" Said Miyuki "It works very well"

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