The Pain of Teaching 2

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Every student is standing for the school assembly, "Please rise for the school anthem" Said Shinomiya, standing on the stage. Chika step on the stage as the conductor, everything was going well, until Chika notices that Miyuki is lip syncing 

After the assembly is done, Chika went up to Miyuki and Ryota, she points at Miyuki "Prez! Follow me" Miyuki is confused "You too!" She points at Ryota

"Where are we going?" Said Ryota confused, they follow her to the outside of the gym

"Prez! How could you?!" Said Chika, Miyuki got surprised

"What do you mean?" Said Miyuki

"You lip sync!!" Said Chika, sounded like an angry mother, this makes Miyuki fall on his knees on embarrassment

"Is this what this is about?" Said Ryota

"Yes! It's embarrassing" Said Chika

"Trust me... It's more embarrassing if he sing" Said Ryota

"At least try!!" Said Chika "Think about what you've done! I'm really mad right now!" She said to Miyuki "You idiot!! You're not taking this seriously! Have you no shame!!? The student council president, lip syncing the school anthem!"

"Maybe, that's a little too much?" Said Ryota

"It doesn't matter!" Said Chika "I'm so disappointed in you!"

"You sound like a mom.." Said Ryota

"My lip syncing was perfect... I can't believe you saw through it, secretary Fujiwara" Said Miyuki looking away

"Well, I'm the conductor" Said Chika "But if you keep this up, it's only a matter of time before other people starts to notice... Even if it's hard for you, you have to memorize them"

"No wait that's not it" Said Miyuki "I have the anthem completely memorized. It's not like I don't want to sing it..."

"Then why?" Said Chika

"Li.... de..." Said Miyuki quietly

"Lid?" Said Chika confused

"He's tone deaf.." Said Ryota

"Just a little!" Said Miyuki nervously "What would everyone think of a tone deaf President?! If I sing it out loud the humiliation would be even worse!! Just thinking about it hurt so much... I would lip sync my whole life to stop people from finding out!"

"Oh come on it can't be that bad" Said Chika "A little tone deaf...." Chika's mind flashes back to the time where she had to train Miyuki to play volleyball.. "It's just a little right? You're only a little tone deaf.."

"Yes I swear, a little tone deaf" Said Miyuki, Ryota cross his arms signaling Chika to stop, but Chika didn't get the memo

"Okay no problem then. I'll help you practice!" Said Chika


Chika is horrified, with little tears coming out her eyes, she had regretted her decision once more. While Ryota looks seemingly unfazed

Miyuki is seen trying to sing, but it just sounded like a dying animal, Chika tried desperately to cover her ears, but to no effect

"Help me please!!" Said Chika screaming in pain

"How was that?" Said Miyuki after he was done with his attempt of singing

"Liar!!!" Screams Chika "That's not little! That's catastrophic!! You're so tone deaf you could kill someone!" She then turn to Ryota "And how are you not affected by this!?"

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