Shirogane's New Tech

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Inside Ryota's room he can't help but wonder, why can't he stop thinking about Hayasaka. Sure they were friends, but they're not super close. But he decided to ignore those and went to bed

In the morning Ryota was getting ready to go to school before grabbing his necklace and letting out a sad sigh..


Ryota is walking around the school halls, he was never really the social type so he had no one beside him. But then he saw Hayasaka and she waved at him, and he waved back. He doesn't know why but that little interaction made him happy...

He then started walking to the student council room and sat down at the couch


"P...President, you... Finally got a smartphone?!" Said Chika shocked

"What?!" Screams out Ryota who was sitting suddenly stood up and goes to the president's desk "Miyu's finally have a smartphone!?"

"Heh heh.. So it would seem." 

Ryota started to tear up "I never thought I would see the day" 

"But you were so stubborn..." Said Chika "You always said "I don't need one" or "I have no intention of mingling with those around me"  so why would you suddenly change your mind"

"Yeah why?" Asked Ryota "I once offered to buy you one but you refused"

"well I just realized how important phone was for high school" Answered Miyuki

"Welcome to the modern time bud" Says Ryota "Also you didn't have to buy it with your money, I still could've bought you one"

"Thanks but I didn't wanna bother you" Says Miyuki "Look. I even have Line set up!"

"wow. Then let's exchange ID" Says Chika

"I have been waiting for years" Says Ryota

"Heh.. Alright" Says Miyuki

They then all starts to exchange their ID. All except for one... Shinomiya.. Then a long silence ensues as Ryota is texting to Hayasaka happily


Gah I'm soo happy

what happened?

Miyu finally decided to buy a phone
you have no idea how long i've been waiting for this

huh so it did work

wait what worked
don't tell me this is one of Kaguyas plan?!

Well I'm not supposed to tell anyone
but I do want to rub it in your face
so yes it is

I don't know if I should be happy or not..

"Oh president your profile picture..." Says Chika which snapped Ryota to reality

"Yes, It's a photo of me as a child" Said Miyuki which promptly make Ryota to check it

"Hah.. I still remember this picture" Said Ryota "And I still remembered your father telling me about it"

"Let's not tell the story it's a little embarrassing" Said Miyuki

"So cute!!" Said Chika "You even had that glare when you were a kid"

"you seem oddly fixated on my expression.." Said Miyuki confused

'What is Kaguya's plan on this.... was it to make Miyu ask for her ID?' Thought Ryota confused

"But this is a little embarrassing. I should change it to another picture" Said Miyuki "I'll change it in three minutes"

"Oddly specific there" Said Ryota with a raised eyebrow

Miyuki just simply shrugged his shoulder

'Seems like Kaguya is droved into a corner... I can't think of a way for her to get out of this' thought Ryota until he heard a sniff

"President.. You're so cruel" Said kaguya while "crying"

Miyuki, Chika, and Ryota is shocked. The usual stoic Kaguya is crying

"You're so cruel... How could you do that....?" Said Kaguya

Miyuki is understandingly shocked and freaked out about this

"I'm sorry!" screamed out Miyuki "I didn't mean to offend you!"

"H.. Here you can see it too, if it'll make you feel bet-" Said Miyuki showing her the picture, until he realized his mistake, he has fallen into her trap

'Huh.. not bad' Thought Ryota impressed

 "Ah! That's right!!" Chika Screamed out "Kaguya has a flip phone, she can't use Line! Talking about Line in front of her really is cruel!"

'huh?!..' Thought Ryota

Shirogane and Shinomiya just stood there frozen...

"You're rich! Just buy a new one!" Said Miyuki 

"I've had this phone since kindergarten!" Said Kaguya "I can't just replace it so easily"

So then they just decide to exchange emails as Ryota decided to text Hayasaka


Why do Shinomiya still have a flip phone it's 2016???

i've tried to get her a smartphone but she refused

Huh... sounds familiar

You know it's kinda frustrating
i mean like why not just get a new one??
its better in almost every way

Hah and i thought Miyu was bad

Yea but i guess she's just attached to it

'attached huh?' Thought Ryota then he grab his necklace 'I guess I can understand her..'

While he was walking to class he decided to think up some new plan to get Shinomiya to confess to Miyuki 'Maybe make Shirogane a love letter prompting Shinomiya to make a move?... Mphh maybe not.... Wait that's it!" It looked liked Ryota has just gotten an idea!

'Might be a little cliched but it's worth a try'

The next day Ryota has set his new plan into motion

The plan is basically he paid someone to hit on Kaguya and Shirogane would swoop in and tell them off, It's a little basic but you'll never know

"Alright it's time" Said Ryota

He watched as the guy goes to Shinomiya and Shirogane

"well hello there beautiful why don't we have lunch together"

"No" Said Shinomiya nonchalantly "Now if you'll excuse us we have work to do"

"Now, now lady that's no way to treat a gentleman"

Ryota cringed at this 'Maybe I should've picked someone who is good with girls'

"I don't think you heard what she said" said Shirogane who is clearly angry

Shinomiya looked at Shirogane with admiration, It's not everyday you see the one you liked standing up for you

"Ri-right i'm S- sorry!" The guy then run off scared

"T-thanks" said Shinomiya with a slight blush

"Y-your welcome" Said Shirogane who realized what he just did

'huh.. it's not a confession but still... it's progress.. I guess' Thought Ryota

Ryota then goes to class 'I call this a win' Thought Ryota with a smile on his face

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