First time?

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"Oh? What's this?" Asked Chika seeing a magazine

"Well the principal just confiscated it from some students" Answered Kaguya "He told us to dispose of it, in accordance with the school rules regarding inappropriate reading material. Thought I don't see why he couldn't do it himself"

"Inappropriate reading material?" Said Chika while picking up the magazine and flipping it to a random page.. Then suddenly Chika screams at the top of her lungs while dropping the magazine!

"That's so wrong!" Screams out Chika shocked "So lewd!! This country is so lewd!!"

"Oh come on it can't be that bad" Said Ryota "Let me see it" Ryota seems interested in it for some reason, Kaguya gives Ryota the magazine and he opens it and saw...

"Wha- WHat?!?" Screams out Ryota flustered "How.... This isn't true is it??"

"I know right?!" Said Chika still shocked

"This is wrong it has to be!!" Screams out Ryota as he throws the magazine still flustered

Kaguya picked up the book and saw what they have seen "A survey of when people had their first times 34% answered High school... I see"

"They're lying! there's no way everyone would do that!!" Screams out Chika

 "Well... the only people answering a survey like this are the kind of people that bought this kind of magazine.. right?" Asked Ryota

"Yes" Answered Miyuki "The sample is obviously biased. It can't possibly be that high in reality"

"Yeah you're right" Said Chika relieved

The the three of them decided to laugh it off... Until!

"Really? I think it's quite accurate" Said Kaguya "Perhaps even a tad low"

Three of them was shocked

"um... If you think that then have you...already done it?" Asked Chika

"Yes quite some time ago" Answered Kaguya

Chika once again screams at the top of her lungs

Ryota just stood there frozen in shock

Miyuki tried reading the pain away "O.. Ohh... So the area code for Aomori is 017..."

"I would think it would be completely ordinary to do so before high school" Said Kaguya "One would have to be raised in a completely loveless environment otherwise don't you agree?'

"Well... I'd like to get a boyfriend sooner rather than later..." said Chika "But my father wouldn't let me"

"It looked like... I need a girlfriend...." Said Ryota flustered feeling left behind. After he said that his mind randomly flash to Hayasaka... He wondered why...

"How ridiculous" Said Miyuki

"Oh? You're quite popular aren't you president?" Said Kaguya "But you don't have a girlfriend do you?"


"No... You're right" Said Miyuki "I don't have a relationship with someone special.. Right now"

'I felt like that was obvious' Thought Ryota 'Miyu and I never had experience, but the difference between us is that Miyu is popular and I'm..... Not..' Ryota felt a little sad but got over it in seconds

"Ahh.. so Naturally you have experience then?" Asked Kaguya

"W.. Well I suppose that whenever I feel like it" Said Miyuki

"I see" Said Kaguya "Though I'd imagine you can just do it with your little sister whenever you please"

"Ha ha indeed.."


'wait what...' Thought Ryota...

 "WAIT NO!!" screamed Miyuki "THE HELL?!"

"What are you saying Shinomiya!!?

"She's your family. It wouldn't be strange at all would it?" Says Kaguya "I did it with a Nephew of mine right after he was born on camera"

"That doesn't even make sense?!?"

Ryota is covering his face in embarrassment

"And now everyone's afraid of excess physical contact" Said Kaguya "Just a sign of the times I'm sure..."

"No! It's you!!" Screamed Miyuki "It's a sign of nobility!"

"What are you so upset about?" Asked Kaguya "Fujiwara does it all the time with her dog pes, doesn't she?" 

"You what?!" Screamed Miyuki

"No I don't!! Don't drag me into this!!" Said Chika

"Sagami you have a cat right?" Said Kaguya "You must have done it with your cat right?"

"What?!" Screamed Miyuki

"Wha- No, I.. I would never!" Said Ryota freaking out

Everyone was silent a little embarrassed.... Until Miyuki realized something

"..... Shinomiya... I'd like to confirm something" Said Miyuki "Are you aware of what the phrase "First time" means?"

 Kaguya sighed and said "Please don't treat me like a child. I am a lady, and as such am well aware of these matters"

"A Kiss obviously"

Everyone was just stood there frozen....

"...Shinomiya.." Said Miyuki before being cut off by Chika

"President. Let me handle this"

Chika make her way to Shinomiya as Miyuki looked away and Ryota covers his face in embarrassment

"ka...Kaguya.... When they say first time they mean..."

..and the

.....and put

....The thing that



...and then


....once you


Shinomiya is now seen tearing up and blushing madly

"B.. But that's not even legal until you get married!"

'This was the weirdest day ever' Thought Ryota but weirdly he kept thinking about Hayasaka...  amidst the crazy conversation...

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