The Maid and The Butler

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Hayasaka felt uneasy, she just saw Ryota, not just him but Maki as well, they were both talking so intimately, according to Hayasaka

She's jealous of Maki, of all people


'What is she doing with Ryota?' Thought Hayasaka watching from afar 'They're just friends, I shouldn't feel jealous...'

"Anything I can do to cheer you up?" Asked Ryota "I can treat you to something..."

"I'm good" Said Maki "Let's talk"

Though Hayasaka can't hear any of this, she can only see their movement from afar, looks like Maki is talking to Ryota about something

Suddenly, Ryota blush and looks away in embarrassment

'What are they talking about?!' Shout Hayasaka in her mind


In this dire state Hayasaka began questioning, is Ryota cheating? For that answer, she's gonna need a bit of help

Miyuki? No! If she goes to him, he'll surely recognize her. Shinomiya? That's a terrible idea...

She's gonna need someone who knows Ryota well

Someone who...

'I got it!'


Hayasaka found the one she's looking for, the two is currently at the tree, you know which one

"Oh, so you're his girlfriend" Said Kenji "I got to say, you are not who I'd expect you to be"

"What were you expecting me to be?" Asked Hayasaka

"No clue" Said Kenji, the two finally met! "What do you need?"

"Is Ryota cheating on me?"

Kenji need a second to process this "Why would you say that?"

"I saw him talking to Maki" Said Hayasaka

'Is talking to another girl an intimate thing or something?' Thought Kenji

"I don't think he's cheating on you" Said Kenji "He's not the type of person to do so"

"How can you be so sure?" Asked Hayasaka

"Because I know him" Said Kenji "More than anyone"

"I don't know, I know him pretty well" Said Hayasaka

"This doesn't have to be a competition" Said Kenji "But, I know him better"

"I'm not sure about that" Said Hayasaka

Oh, they're glaring at each other now, the two out of three closest people in Ryota's life, (the other one being Miyuki which he is not here right now) it seems like they're both are convinced that they know Ryota better

'I clearly know him better, I've been friends with him for longer' Thought Kenji

'As his girlfriend, I obviously know him better' Thought Hayasaka

Is it getting heated in here, or is it just me? This is not how I imagined their first meeting would turn out, except I'm the writer so I should know

"Favorite drink?" Asked Kenji

"Tea" 1 point for Hayasaka "Favorite food?"

"Ramen" 1 point for Kenji "His fear?"

"Bugs" You get the point "Favorite instrument?"

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now