Mission Possible?

577 16 24




In the morning Ryota was excited to say the least, he went and got ready until he realize. It is raining, he checked his phone and saw a message from Hayasaka.


Yo! It's raining plans cancelled

Yea I can see that..

They've agreed to meet up tomorrow
I could've bought the souvenir myself but
this is an opportunity

how nice of you
meet up tommorow?


Ryota is pretty bummed out about not being able to go today, but nonetheless he is excited for tomorrow, he then spend his day playing on his computer.


Ryota get out of bed and get ready in seconds, he is very excited he then make his way to the door, wearing a blue open hoodie with a black shirt and jeans, he's also wearing his necklase. 

"Master Ryota would you like me to prepare the ride?" Asked Kenji his personal butler.

Ryota then think for a second "No.. I'm gonna walk there"

"Of course master" Said Kenji..

"Bye Kenji" Said Ryota as he walked out the door.

He then makes his way to hachiko, after he made it he saw Hayasaka hiding in a bush, he makes it way to her and said "Hey" quietly

Hayasaka is surprised at his sudden appearance "You... surprised me"

Ryota laugh a little and said "so.. where are they?"

Hayasaka then pointed at the Miyuki and Shinomiya who's talking to each other "Right over there"

"I... suppose you have a plan... right?" Said Ryota

"No.. not really" said Hayasaka

"What?" Said Ryota "Then how are we going to do this?"

"As they say.. We're gonna wing it" Said Hayasaka

"Wh- but we can't go in without a plan!" Said Ryota "You're kidding me?"

"Shh they're moving!" Said Hayasaka pointing at the two of them headed to the mall

The two then follow them inside and see them headed to the candy shop. The two of them starts hiding in the stall beside them

"Alright how are we going to get some progress on their relationship?" Asked Hayasaka

"How about a some romantic moment" Said Ryota "How about that?"

".... You know what... screw it" Said Hayasaka "What are you gonna do?"

"Just watch!" Said Ryota as he picks up a bunch of candy from the shelf, then with accurate precision he threw the candies on the floor next to Shinomiya. Shinomiya then step into the pile of candies and stumbled till she falls, in a nick of time Miyuki suddenly catches her.

"Shinomiya, you all right?" Asked Miyuki

"yeah... I'm all right" Said Shinomiya nervously

They then realize what position they're in and quickly stand straight and compose themselves 

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now