Feelings Deep Inside

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Seiya is laying down on his bed, he's been thinking about what happened at the festival. He's looking at the bear that Kenji gave to him. To recap, Kenji gave Seiya a bear plush, it's holding a heart. And according to the story, if one gives a heart shaped object they shall be granted eternal love. The bear holding a heart still counts

Seiya's thoughts are spiraling out of control 'Did he really mean it? Maybe he just meant it as a friend. Oh what am I talking about? Wait, I ran away... Did I indirectly rejected him? No no no! I mean, is it socially acceptable nowadays?'

He ended gaining a not so long hours of sleeps and he wakes up tired, as he gets ready he got himself a call, from the boss

He picks up the call "What is it?"

"I've come to remind you about the plan. We're doing it sometimes in the next year, maybe January who knows?"

"January? You sure...?"

"Yeah, I mean it's school break. It's the perfect time, on that note I need to get back to work" The person on the other side hangs up

"Yeah..." Seiya looks at the bear Kenji gave him, he sighs "Kenji..."

'Do I even deserve your love?'


Seiya is sitting down on his bed, thinking a lot about stuff

'How did Ryuju know?'



Ryota walks through the school tiredly, he spent all night gathering all the heart shaped balloons and pile them into one big balloon. He walks to his class with a noticeable eye bags

Appear from behind Ryota, is Maki "Jeez, you look terrible"

"Yeah" Said Ryota "I kind of spend all night doing something"

"Stop, I don't want to know" Said Maki "You should get some sleep, your eyes are more tired than the president, and that's saying something"

"I know" Said Ryota "But I can't just leave my duty, I need to make balloons"

"Shoot, you would be even more tired" Said Maki "Well, we could have someone else take your place"

"No, I got this" Said Ryota, he walks in the class and take his position "I got this..."

"Dude, the shift hasn't even started yet" Said Maki "You sure you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine" Said Ryota, he's not

"Anyway, did you hear? The balloon is all stolen!" Said Maki "All the hearts balloon just disappears!"

"Yeah..." Said Ryota "I might've heard something about that..."

"Who would've done such a thing?"  Nagisa suddenly appear with her boyfriend, Tsubasa

"Sagami, you look terrible" Said Tsubasa

"I already know that..."

They then saw Seiya looking like a complete mess, well more than he already was "What happened to him?" Asked Tsubasa

"Didn't you hear?" Said Maki "People has been saying that Kenji gave him a heart!"

"Wait really?" Said Nagisa shocked "I didn't know he swings that way"

"The popular guy Kenji?" Asked Tsubasa, Maki only nods at his question "That's surprising, did you know about this Sagami?" He turns to look at Ryota, only to find him sleeping on his desk "Sagami?"

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