Kenji The Transfer Student

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It's a new semester! And it's time to go to school, and a new student will be transferring, who's that student? Well it's none other than our beloved servant! Kenji! That's right readers! Kenji shall join Shuchi'in! Might not be a surprise... Guess you all already know...

Kenji is trying on his new school uniform "Not bad..." Said Kenji as he is checking himself in he mirror

"Really going to that school...?" Said Junichi appearing behind him

"Yep, I'm going to Shuchi'in!" Said Kenji

"Why...?" Said Junichi "To get closer with your boyfriend...?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Said Kenji looking at Junichi annoyed "Also shouldn't you be getting ready for school?"

"I hate school..." Said Junichi "Can I not go..."

Kenji sighed "No, you have to go!" Said Kenji "Come on, let's get you ready" He grab his little brother to go to his room and get him his school uniform

Junichi wears his uniform "I don't like it..."

"You've been wearing that uniform for years..." Said Kenji

"Yeah, I don't like it..." Said Junichi "I hate school..."

"Don't say that" Said Kenji "I'm sure you'll eventually love it"

"Yeah... No..." Said Junichi, he then starts walking away "I'm going to school... I guess..."

"That's the spirit!" Said Kenji, he then prepare himself to go to Shuchi'in!


Ryota is sitting down in class, he got no one to talk to right now, well at least that's what he thought, until he got a smack from the back, courtesy of Maki Shijo

"Hey there!" Said Maki

"What is it Maki?" Said Ryota "Also, ouch..."

"Come on, something must've happened during the summer" Said Maki "Did you confess to her yet?"

"Unfortunately no..." Said Ryota

"Real Romeo over here" Said Maki very disappointed "I expected better from you..."

"Don't blame me!" Said Ryota "I need to have time to think about this feelings I'm having!"

Maki cross her arm, looking disappointed "If you keep going like this, one day she's eventually gonna got herself a boyfriend! And once she does that you're gonna feel sad and lonely..." A tear drop from her eye

"Jeez I get it!" Said Ryota

"Anyway, you get what I'm saying, right?" Said Maki

"I just said that I get it!" Said Ryota annoyed

The teacher eventually comes in class and tell the students to sit down "Before we begin class, we have a new transfer student joining us!" Said The teacher, the class began murmuring about who the new student might be...

"I hope it's a handsome boy!"

"I wonder if they like anime..."

"I hope it's a cute girl!"

That was what Ryota heard, but he knew better, he knew that the new transfer student is Kenji, and speak of the devil! Kenji comes inside the class, wearing his brand new school uniform! "If you don't mind, why don't you introduce yourself" Said The teacher

"Gladly" Said Kenji, he turned to the class "The name's Kenji Miyazaki, happy to be here!" Some girls in class starts fawning over how handsome he is

"Why don't you take a seat Kenji?" Said The teacher "Then we can get the class started

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