Kei Shirogane

397 12 27


In the tree. We have Ryota and Hayasaka laying down on the patch of grass, they both look calm. "I must admit, it was nice being fashionable" Said Ryota

"Told you, you'll like it" Said Hayasaka "They don't call me the fashion master for nothing"

"They do?" Said Ryota

"No" Said Hayasaka

"Oh.." Said Ryota

"How's it going on your side?" Said Hayasaka

"Same as always" Said Ryota sounded disappointed "No progress at all"

"Same here" Said Hayasaka "Have you ever just... Wished you've never tried to make them get together?"

"I did.." Said Ryota "But I always just push those thoughts aside"

"Why is that?" Said Hayasaka

"Well, Miyuki is my friend.. So I just want to see him happy" Said Ryota "And if I never play cupid, I would never have met you"

Hayasaka blushed and looks away "Don't say stuff like that..." Ryota chuckles

"Gross, get a room you two"

Both Ryota and Hayasaka jumped when they heard the voice, they look back and saw a girl with short brown hair that is tied up in short pigtails with bangs covering her forehead

"Who are you?!" Said Ryota, while Hayasaka know exactly who she is

"Maki, Maki Shijo" Said Maki, she put her hand on her chest as she introduce herself "And this is my spot" Maki points at the two

"You don't own a spot" Said Hayasaka "Why do you even come here?"

"This is where I go when I'm sad" Said Maki, with a little bit of tears coming out her eyes

"Why are you sad?" Said Ryota

"It's because of Tsubasa!" Said Maki frustrated "He was on a date with Nagisa" Then Maki started crying "Why couldn't he choose me?!" Ryota and Hayasaka tilt their head in confusion as Maki continues to cry "It's so unfair!!" Maki wipes her tear away "So anyway, what's going on with you two?"

Ryota and Hayasaka began to panic "We're just talking to each other" Said Hayasaka "As friends"

"Right.." Said Maki not convinced, she sat down next to both of them "From what I've heard you two were just flirting"

"We're just friends!" Said Ryota, sweating a bit

"I would have never met you" Said Maki, mimicking Ryota "That doesn't sound like just friends to me" 

"Please don't spread rumors about us.." Said Hayasaka, she sighed

"Fine, I won't. I'm not heartless you know?" Said Maki "So you two better thank me, Hayasaka and uh..."

"Ryota, Ryota Sagami" Said Ryota

"Right..." Said Maki "I knew that" She said embarrassed "Well, looks like we all have secrets. You promise me that you'll never say anything about me liking Tsubasa, and I won't say anything about you two dating. Deal?"

"We're not dating!!!" Said Ryota and Hayasaka, the two are blushing

"Sure, sure whatever you say" Said Maki "Do we have a deal or not?"

"Deal..." Said Ryota, Maki looks at Hayasaka

Hayasaka sighed "Deal..." She said crossing her arms

"So we have a deal then" Said Maki "By the way who were you talking about, you said you were playing cupid"

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now