Take a Card

376 11 22


It seems that Shinomiya has come down with a fever "As the teacher said, we have to deliver today's handouts to Shinomiya house" Said Miyuki

"I'll go! I'll visit her!" Said Chika excited

"Why you?" Said Miyuki

"Kaguya and I've been getting together to play since middle school, but I've always wanted to visit her when she's sick, just once" Said Chika

"You're really excited to see your sick friend..." Said Ryota

"It's because I wanted to be there for her while she's sick" Said Chika "And spoil her like crazy!" This surprised Miyuki "She's so cute! There's no way she could ever be cuter than when she's sick! She just couldn't get mad even if you gave her a huge hug!"

"How long have you been fantasizing about this?" Said Ryota

"Doesn't matter!" Said Chika "Let's all go see her together!"

"A- All of us?" Said Ishigami "Aren't you not supposed to have a ton of people to visit a sick person all at once though? I think one is more than enough" In reality Ishigami doesn't want to go visit Shinomiya

"Yes true.." Said Miyuki

"Then I'll go alone..!" Said Chika

"I was the one to the teacher told to deliver them" Said Miyuki "This is one of my duties as the student council president. So it seems I have no choice but to go" Chika is shouting no over and over again "I feel that if you went, you would try to make her fever worse"

"I would never! Just what do you think of me?" Said Chika

"Well, you did look very happy when you found out that Shinomiya got a fever" Said Ryota

"I thought you were on my side?!" Said Chika

'Sorry Fujiwara, but if Miyuki went to visit Shinomiya, there's a slight chance of confession' Thought Ryota

Chika then walks to a drawer and open it "Fine then how about..." She then pulls out a deck of cards "We play concentration to see who'll go. Any objection?" 

There is no objection "The deck does have a joker but we won't use them. And no bending the card or taking pictures or any cheating like that. If you're caught cheating, you lose 5 points" Said Chika

"Why lose 5 points?" Said Ryota "Why not disqualification?"

"I make the rules!" Said Chika "Rock Paper Scissor to see who goes first!" They play rock paper scissor. Miyuki ended up winning "Okay your turn, President" Miyuki thought about it, while Ishigami is confused on why he's even playing "Alright let's get started!"

Miyuki then slam his hand on the table and points at Chika accusingly "Hold it right there Fujiwara!" Which made her jump

"W- W- What was that for president?" Said Chika nervously

"Well, there are several thing I find curious. First of all, wouldn't challenging us to a game of memorization put you at a severe disadvantage? I find it strange you would do that I would've expected you to pick one that's more in your area of expertise" Said Miyuki "Secondly, as Ryota said it, why should being caught cheating make you lose 5 points? Shouldn't it be grounds for instant disqualification?"

"I did say that.." Said Ryota

"And now that I'm curious... I noticed something I wouldn't have if you stayed quiet" Said Miyuki, he picks up two cards "The back of these cards have different frames, don't they? And don't you think these look suspiciously like numbers?" He showed her the cards, he slam his hand and points at Chika "You're playing with a marked deck!"

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now