Ishigami Wants to Live

447 17 24


Ryota is walking along the hallway, he's walking to the student council room, but something is different about it, it's more gloomy than usual... He opens the door and see Ishigami 'No wonder it feels more gloomy..' Thought Ryota... He's happy that Ishigami is here, he's one of the people Ryota could relate to.. I know that sounds sad... And it is....

"Ishigami, it's been so long!" Ryota said happily as he walks in

"Sagami... We saw each other 4 days ago..." Ishigami said in his usual gloomy tone 

"I know" Said Ryota, he then saw Miyuki with a serious face "What's wrong Miyu?"

"Ryota, I need you to convince Ishigami not to quit!" Said Miyuki, upon hearing this Ryota is shocked

"What?! Why Ishigami?! Don't leave!" Said Ryota a bit desperate

Ishigami sighed "You might want to sit down..." As Ishigami said this Ryota sat next to Miyuki "It's not like I just suddenly felt like quitting one day. But I do have a reason"

"A reason?" Said Miyuki

"What's the reason?!" Said Ryota

"I'm.. Probably going to get killed.." Said Ishigami with teary eyes

"What?! Killed!?" Said Ryota surprised "By who?!"

"Kil-!?" Said Miyuki who couldn't finish his sentence

"I think Shinomiya is going to kill me" Said Ishigami which caused Ryota to stand up

"What?! There's no way that Shinomiya woul-" Said Ryota before remembering who Shinomiya is... He sat down in silents

Miyuki looks at Ryota confusingly before turning to Ishigami "Wh.. Why exactly do you think Shinomiya is going to kill you!? What basis could you possibly..."

"Her eyes" Said Ishigami

"Her... eyes?" Said Miyuki who's confused

"People's eyeballs are directly connected to their brains. Ordinarily, about half of the brain is used for processing sight. The movement of someone eyeballs can indicate things like caution or hunger, so you can tell what's going through someone's brain by looking at their eyes" Explained Ishigami "I... Can judge five to six percent of a person's character just by looking at their eyes"

"That's so low! Even I could probably do that much!" Said Miyuki, while Ryota tilt his head in confusion

"What.. Are you saying?" Said Ryota, who's confused

"The way Shinomiya looks at me sometimes... I can feel it she wants to kill me" Said Ishigami who starts to shake in fear

"I think I understand" Said Ryota

"You do?" Said Miyuki confused

"Shinomiya wants to kill you" Said Ryota, who's now worried for the gloomy boy

"I.. Knew it" Said Ishigami sadly "Which is why I must quit.."

"No you don't! And no she doesn't!" Said Miyuki trying to calm the two "Just.. Tell me what happened.."

"What happened....." Said Ishigami who's now having a flashback.... "She threatened me so I can't tell you.."

"Threa-" Said Miyuki who couldn't finish his sentence

"She probably.. Already killed two or three people..." Said Ishigami shaking in fear

"Maybe more than that..." Said Ryota.. "I understand.. Why you must quit... I'll miss you" He's now tearing up

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