Miyuki Wants to be The President Once More

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Somewhere in a restaurant, the crew is sitting down, Miyuki placed his golden chain in a box titled Alumni Formal Medal, he closes the box

"Thank you for all your help this year" Said Miyuki

"Cheers!" They all cheered, they raise their drink

Miyuki takes off a piece of his uniform "Now I can finally take off this boiling hot uniform" Said Miyuki

"Still, you wear it for the firework festival..." Said Ryota

"That's a different reason" Said Miyuki

"We change uniforms next week anyway" Said Ishigami

"Oh, right!!" Said Miyuki, he leans back and sighs "I feel like a huge weight's literally been lifted off my shoulders" He holds up the box

"Well, it is made of gold" Said Shinomiya

"Wait, really?" Said Ishigami

"Back during the war... The officer who came from Shuchi'in gathered the medals of soldiers who have fallen in battle, and used the gold leaf on them to create a single aiguillette" Said Shinomiya "And that's this one"

"Huh... That's why it's so heavy" Said Ishigami

"So, it's really made of gold?" Said Ryota

"Yes, it really is" Said Shinomiya

"Ugh, that was so rough, One year was more than enough of that" Said Miyuki "All I can do now is pray that whoever gets the job next is up to it. Maybe one of you should run for election. It'd be able to rest easy then"

"Yeah, I don't think anyone would want to do that after seeing you nearly work yourself to death" Said Chika

"Well, there's still time before the deadline to apply, so atleast think about it" Said Miyuki "Being the president is tough, but there's some great benefit"

"The benefits won't make me work" Said Ryota "Besides, not being the president means I have more free time"

"You really just want to laze around..." Said Chika

"What's wrong with that?" Said Ryota

"What about you Ishigami?" Said Miyuki "Are you going to try running?"

"Ha ha ha. Do you seriously think I'd get any votes?" Said Ishigami "All the girls in my class starts crying if I even make eye contact with them. I can't even count how many girls I've made cry. And making girls cry makes me cry too. Ahaha, this is so funny isn't it?"

"I'm sorry..." Said Miyuki while Ryota pats Ishigami in the back

"Oh yeah, if I became president..." Said Chika, then Ryota, Ishigami, Miyuki, and Shinomiya laughs "Okay, which one of you should I smack in the face first?"

 "Ryota, you sure you're not gonna try running?" Said Miyuki

"I'm not gonna be president" Said Ryota "If I became the president, I'll barely have any free time"

"What would you even do with that free time?" Said Miyuki

"I think I'm gonna spend more time in the music club" Said Ryota

"Oh! Sagami, remember what you talked to me about" Said Shinomiya "Did you have any progress?"

"Yes, I did" Said Ryota

"What did you two talk about?" Said Ishigami

"Well, he talks to me about a girl Sagami likes" Said Shinomiya

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