Preparation for The Festival 2

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2-B, the class is doing balloon art for the festival, Ryota got balloon art lesson from Kenji. Safe to say Kenji is good at everything...

"And that's how you do it" Kenji is wearing a balloon crown, it's big

"You lost me at sword..." Ryota only has a balloon sword

"How are you not getting this?" Asked Kenji

"I'm not an expert at making balloon art" Said Ryota "Where did you even learn this?"

"I learn a lot of stuff" Said Kenji, he went on and make a heart balloon "It's quite easy"

"Better be an expert at it, because girls will be asking for heart balloons from you" Said Ryota

Kenji hums "Why is that?"



Ryota looks on in horror, he saw that Miyuki blows up a balloon. Miyuki tries to make another one


That one blows up too, Ryota does not want to teach him. Not again

"The president is kind of bad" Said Kenji "Maybe I should teach him"


"Huh?" Kenji is confused as he saw Ryota's terrified state

"Just don't" Said Ryota "Teaching him is a death sentence, for your own good, please just ignore it"


"I don't know he seems really... Terrible at it" Said Kenji "I kind of feel bad..."

"It's a trap" Said Ryota "You'll feel bad, but that's how he got you in his trap. Once you start teaching him, you can never go back"

"What is he, a mimic or something?"


Ryota and Kenji look over, but this time it wasn't Miyuki

"Sorry, that was me..." Said Seiya, he appears beside Kenji with a popped balloon "Kenji... How'd I do?" He holds up a balloon heart, he hides his face behind the balloon as he's too nervous to hear Kenji's criticism

"You did good" Said Kenji, this made Seiya day

"Thank you..." Said Seiya "Could you teach me?"

Kenji smiles and put his balloon crown above Seiya's head "Of course, my student" Seiya immediately blushed at his words "If you want, we could start now"

"That would be preferable" Said Seiya

"Okay, you two need privacy" Ryota stands up and stood near the doorway to the class, beside him is Maki herself

"You know those two have vibes" Said Maki "I don't know what vibes, but there's vibes between them"

"Oh yeah, I can see that" Said Ryota "You think they..."

"I wouldn't be surprised if they do have that type of friendship" Said Maki, she takes a sad sigh as she look at Kenji and Seiya interaction "I want what they have..."

"Please don't be sad..."

"I'm not..."


"I know what you are" Said Maki, she's looking intensely at Seiya

"What?" Seiya is quite confused at her word, especially since he doesn't know who she is

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