Hayasaka's Feelings

425 16 19

"Hayasaka... I love you..."












Hayasaka, Shinomiya's personal valet, been it for a long time and not stopping anytime soon... Probably, but now it's not the time to think about that, for Hayasaka have something different in mind, she like someone... Specifically Ryota...

She's currently in the bath deep in thought, she had no idea where this feelings of her came from, she actually had no idea what feelings she's having, but if you're a valet for Shinomiya, you'll learn quickly what feelings you're having

Hayasaka sighed in the bath 'Never had a bath this peaceful... Kaguya sama keeps barging in and ruin it... Guess she doesn't need me right now...' Thought Hayasaka 'I could get used to this...' Hayasaka sighed, she seems peaceful. Once she's done she went to see Shinomiya

Hayasaka sees Shinomiya sitting on her bed, Shinomiya notice Hayasaka's presence "Hey Hayasaka! If I confessed to President... Would he say yes?" Said Shinomiya

Hayasaka tilt her head "Where is this coming from?"

"I don't know" Said Shinomiya "Something Sagami said..."

"He did?" Said Hayasaka as she suddenly got excited

"Yeah..." Said Shinomiya "You know, Sagami has been acting weird lately..."

"How so?" Said Hayasaka

"I don't know, he seems like he's hiding something" Said Shinomiya "He also said he likes somebody, which I guess explain the former..."

Hayasaka is shocked to learn that Ryota have somebody he likes "He likes someone?"

"Yeah, but I don't know who she is..." Said Shinomiya, she thinks for a bit "Maybe... I should spy on him, so I could take notes on how to make President confess..."

"I don't think that's a very good idea" Said Hayasaka, looking away nervously

"Why? I've done it before..." Said Shinomiya confused

Hayasaka look at Shinomiya like she's an idiot "I don't think you should spy on someone you know..."

Shinomiya thinks for a bit "Maybe you should spy on him"

"What? Why me?" Said Hayasaka

"Come on Hayasaka!" Said Shinomiya a bit desperate "I need to know how to get the President's attention!"

Hayasaka sighed "Fine..." Hayasaka now thinks that Shinomiya is very stupid at the moment

Shinomiya cheered "Thanks Hayasaka!" She then starts thinking "I wonder who he likes... I don't see him to be the type to fall in love, aside for me and president, he's the third most serious in the student council, he can be very serious if he needs to" She said this in a serious tone


Ryota can be seen playing with a cat while Kenji watches "So cute!!" Said Ryota


Ryota gasped "Kenji! It meowed at me!"

"We are not bringing that thing in..." Said Kenji

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now