Christmas Party

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Ryota and Kenji is getting ready for their own event happening on Christmas Eve. Ryota, going on a date with Hayasaka and Kenji going on Chika's party with Junichi also going. Even though Junichi doesn't show it, he's excited, though he'll never tell you the reason

Ryota dresses in his usual open hoodie, and Kenji is mostly the same as Ryota as he is wearing an open hoodie with a black shirt underneath. They both wear a similar style of clothes

"Nice" said Ryota as he looks at himself in the mirror "You think anything missing?"

"Yes. Here" said Kenji as he throws something at Ryota

Ryota catches the item and looks at it. He immediately blush at the item "T- This is a condom..." It is indeed a condom

"Yes it is" said Kenji

"W- What am I supposed to do with this?" asked a blushing mess Ryota

"Isn't it obvious?" said Kenji "You are going with your girlfriend and this is Christmas, you know what couples do on Christmas"

"B- but why do you have this?" asked Ryota

"I bought it for you" said Kenji "You need more or something?"

"You have more?!" shout Ryota embarrassed to talk about such topic, let alone the condom in his hand

"I came prepared" said Kenji

As this happens, Junichi turns around the corner wearing a jacket and a red scarf to warm him during this Christmas Eve "Onii-Chan. When are we going?"

"Ah right, hold on" said Kenji as he gets himself ready, he walks over to his brother "Come on"

"Took you long enough" said Junichi as the two siblings makes their way outside and onto the Fujiwara residence, Ryota is speechless as he pockets the condom

Ryota has conflicted feelings about the condom situation, but he decided to ignore it for the time being and gets ready for his date with Hayasaka

'Can't believe I took it with me...' thought Ryota as he is walking down the street near the park. When he got to the park, he saw his girlfriend waiting for him. He immediately rush to her and hug her from behind

Hayasaka jumps a bit but calms down as she realize who it is "You surprised me"

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself" said Ryota as he lets go of his girlfriend

"You seem excited" said Hayasaka "You ready for this Christmas date?"

"Heck yeah I am" said an excited Ryota, they both walk hand in hand, beginning of their Christmas date


"If you're going on a Christmas date, you should take this" said Kaguya as she holds up a condom

"What am I supposed to do with that..." asked an embarrassed Hayasaka


Kenji and Junichi walks down the street with a present in each of their hand, in this Christmas party hosted by Chika and her sister, Moeha. They'll give other people in the party gifts! Though it's by drawing lots to choose who to exchange gifts with. Eventually the two brothers reach the Fujiwara residence and make it to the party

 Junichi knocks on the door, and a voice comes out from inside the door "Password?"

"There's no password, let us in" said Junichi

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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