True Feelings

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Ryota is wandering around the hallway, it's almost summer vacation and he's ready to take a break from school. He suddenly got a tap on the shoulder, he turns around and see Maki standing there

"What do you want?" Said Ryota

"I just want to know how you and Hayasaka doing" Said Maki "Did you ask her out yet?"

"I told you! We're just friends!" Said Ryota flustered

Maki slap Ryota on the back "You really are a coward, just swallow your pride and admit you like her!"

"I don't like her!" Said Ryota "Stop bringing this up!"

"You're no fun" Said Maki "But hey, I get it. You're too scared to confront your feelings so you bottled them up and realize months later that it was a mistake, and see that the love of your life got taken by someone else!" Maki starts to cry "Whyyy!?"

"I'm not sure if this is about me anymore..." Said Ryota confused

Maki wipes her tears away "Doesn't matter!" Maki points at Ryota "I shall help you realize your True Feelings!" 

"I don't need your help.." Said Ryota "I already know what my feelings are!"

"This is not a choice you can turn down" Said Maki, she grab his hand "Now come on!" Maki drags Ryota to the back of the school, there they stood Maki crosses her arm, she looks serious "Now... Tell me, how do you feel about Hayasaka?"

"I think that she's a nice person and a good friend" Said Ryota

"Nope!" Said Maki "Try again!"

"She's a really good friend?" Said Ryota

"You're not getting it..." Said Maki "I'm trying to help you here!" Maki points at Ryota "You have some deep feelings in there, I just know it!"

"How would you know?" Said Ryota

"I can see it!" Said Maki "I can see the sparks!"

"What sparks?!" Said Ryota, he hugs himself "You're freaking me out!"

Maki sighed "Do you really not get it?! Sooner or later you'll realize your feelings! If you keep this up it'll be too late! She's gonna find someone else" Maki starts tearing up "Whyy?!"

"I think you're just talking about yourself.." Said Ryota

Maki wipes her tears away "Anyway... You should really ask her out.."

"Nope!" Said Ryota "Now if you excuse me, I have to go somewhere else" Ryota walks away leaving Maki alone... Maki pouts as she watch him leave..

Ryota once again wander the hallway, his mind goes back to his interaction with Maki 'My true feelings?' Thought Ryota as he started blushing 'Could it be true?' He walks through the hallway to the Student Council room, he walks inside and see Miyuki, Shinomiya, and Chika standing while Ishigami is sitting on the couch, they notices Ryota coming in

"Ryota.. Where were you?" Said Miyuki

"Just had something to take care of..." Said Ryota "So.. What are you guys doing?"

"We were just discussing about our upcoming summer vacation" Said Miyuki 

"Oh.. So what are you guys gonna do?" Said Ryota

"I'm going to Hawaii for a week tomorrow!" Said Chika which causes Miyuki to freak out on the inside "I'm gonna be alohaing and honolululing all day long!!"

"That sounds nice.." Said Ryota

"Yes... A trip... Sounds nice" Said Shinomiya as she had emptied her mind, now achieving perfect Zen 

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