The Election

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The student council election prediction are in! And it predicts that Miyuki wins by a landslide, Miyuki alongside with Ryota, Chika, and Ishigami is looking at the prediction

"You got this one in the bag, prez" Said Ishigami

"You barely have any competition" Said Ryota

"You pretty much already won!" Cheered Chika

"No... These numbers are nothing more than prediction" Said Miyuki "There's just a lot of students who knows our names from what we did during the previous term. These numbers could change drastically depending on what actions the other candidate take... We have to stay vigilant" In reality he already think he won

"So second place is this freshman girl..." Said Chika "Do you know her Ishigami?"

"You ask that like my classmates have given me literally any reason to remember their name" Said Ishigami

"You need to socialize more..." Said Ryota

"Her name's Miko Iino" Said Chika reading the name on the paper

Ishigami got shocked at the name "Miko Iino?" Said Ishigami, he got closer to the paper to the read the name "I take that back. I absolutely know that name"

"Is she famous or something?" Said Miyuki

"Well... Among the freshmen, yeah" Said Ishigami "She's got the highest grade in the year..."

"O.. Oh.. Does she now?" Miyuki suddenly starts getting nervous

"But... Other than that, well..." Before Ishigami says anything more, he spot Miko from the window "Oh, she's over there handing out fliers"

"Should we go see her?" Said Ryota

"It's better than if I tried to explain it... Just see for yourselves" Said Ishigami

They walk to Miko Iino, Miko is a girl with brown eyes and long brown hair that is styled in loose pigtails, with bangs covering her forehead. She is with a girl with collarbone-length black hair that is styled to have its tied ends rest on her left shoulder and wears round glasses

Ishigami is the first one to approach Miko "Could I have a moment?"

"Ishigami... What is it? As you can see, I'm busy" Said Miko "I don't have time to spend talking with troublemakers"

"Troublemaker... Well, I was just here to introduce you. The one who wanted to talk to you"

"Are you Miko Iino?" Asked Miyuki

Miko turns around and face Miyuki "Yes" Miko Iino, a freshman just like our boy Ishigami "A pleasure too meet you... Ex president Shirogane"

"Ex..." Miyuki is clearly offended by that "I heard you're the top of your class..."

"Yes, I've have the highest scores in my grade all year" Said Miko

"She might have you beat" Said Ryota

"Hmm..." Miyuki is jealous for the fact that he didn't have the highest score in his grade all year "But, studying isn't everything. Societal experiment and part time jobs are also important"

"Huh...? Is he treating a freshie like a rival?" Said Chika

"Have you ever seen someone younger than you, does better than you...?" Said Ryota "That's what Miyu is feeling right now..."

"Well, I suppose handing out fliers does show some diligence" Said Miyuki

"I could say the same to you. The election is right around the corner, but I don't see you doing any campaigning whatsoever. Do you think you're guaranteed to win?" Said Miko "From my point of view, it looks like you're lazy"

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