Shinomiya Finds The Truth

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Kaguya Shinomiya, vice president of the Student council, though her smarts are on par with Miyuki, she can be a little... Stupid... Well it's not her fault, she has been stuck in her house for a long as she can remember

She has a suspicion about her maid, Hayasaka. She has been acting strange lately, she's a bit happier and more upbeat in the mansion, that is when she looks at her phone, Shinomiya has been questioning her actions

"Hayasaka, can I ask you something?" Said Shinomiya sitting on her bed

"Hmm? What is it lady Kaguya?" Said Hayasaka

"You have been acting weird lately" Said Shinomiya "Is there something going on?"

Hayasaka has learn an all too powerful technique from living a double life. Lying, she lies naturally as she breathes "There's nothing going on in my life, lady Kaguya"

Unfortunately for Hayasaka, Shinomiya is very stubborn "You sure?"

"Yes, there's nothing going on in my life" Said Hayasaka

"Really? Because it seem like you're more happy when you're in the mansion" Said Shinomiya "You're usually more stoic" 

"There's really nothing going on" Said Hayasaka

"Alright, I trust you" Said Shinomiya, spoiler alert, she doesn't

"If you excuse me lady Kaguya, I need to take a bath" Said Hayasaka, the bath is the only place in this mansion where Hayasaka could get some peace, you know if Shinomiya doesn't barge in

"You are excused" Said Shinomiya, Hayasaka left, but... She left her phone, and Shinomiya is there to take it, she looks at Hayasaka's phone and after looking at her LINE account, one name caught her eye


'It can't be Ryota Sagami... Right?' Thought Shinomiya 'That can't be right' But it is~ Shinomiya doesn't know how to process this information 'I shouldn't be doing this...' She place down Hayasaka's phone 

'Sagami... What is your relationship with Hayasaka?'



Shinomiya has been suspicious of Ryota, she's keeping an eye on him, but... Chika has a game for them to play...

"Let's play a game!" Said Chika "You can pump it as many time as you want, but you have to pump it at least once, and whoever bust it loses!" What...

"What!? A game where you can pump it as many time you want, but you have to pump it at least once, and whoever bust it loses?" Shout Miko, that's what Chika said alright...

"Please calm down, Fujiwara senpai" Said Ishigami

"With an explanation like that, we have no idea what game you're talking about" Said Miyuki "But how about we give it a try anyway?" These two seem oddly excited about the game...

"No thanks, I'm good" Said Ryota

"You're always like this..." Said Chika "Anyway, I'll set it up!" She takes a balloon and an air pump, she connect the balloon and air pump together and starts pumping till it's a reasonable balloon size

"So that's what you meant?" Said Ryota

"Yes, what did you think I meant?" Said Chika

"...Nothing" Said Ryota "I want to leave..."

Shinomiya is on guard, she can't let him leave her sight "Why don't you play with us Sagami?"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna g-" When Ryota met Shinomiya eyes, he felt fear, her eyes are cold "On second thought, I think I'm gonna play..."

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