Spirit of Love

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The atmosphere is tense, Ryota and Hayasaka was caught kissing by the student council

"...I can explain" Said Ryota, the two let go of their embrace, leaving all of them in an awkward state

Miko is quite annoyed at this behavior, Miyuki is very much surprised and so is Chika, Shinomiya and Ishigami have mixed feelings

"Since when was this... A thing?" Asked Miyuki

"It doesn't matter!" Shout Miko "Is this the reason why you've been disappearing?"

Ryota is unable to answer as he is too overwhelmed by the situation "I'll be going now" Said Hayasaka

"You're not going to stay?" Asked Ryota

Hayasaka points toward Mirin and Subaru "I have my own explaining to do..."

"I see..." Suddenly Miko grab Ryota by the ear and drag him to the student council room for an explanation

Hayasaka looks back at Mirin and Subaru and they suddenly hug her

"What is this?" Asked Hayasaka, the two let go of her

"You finally got yourself a boyfriend!" Shout Mirin excitedly

"We thought you weren't able to cause of your part time job or something" Said Subaru

"Tell us! How did it happen?" Asked Mirin

"How long has it been going on?" Asked Subaru

"Well, about a month or so..." Said Hayasaka

"A month!?" Shout Mirin and Subaru

"Why didn't you tell any of us?!" Shout Mirin "Don't you trust us?!"

"Calm down Mirin" Said Subaru, she hold her by the shoulder and calm her down "But seriously, why didn't you tell us?"

"Sorry girls, I just didn't want anyone to find out" Said Hayasaka

"Well, you don't need to be scared" Said Subaru "I promise we won't tell anyone"

"Yeah! So if anyone finds out, don't blame us" Said Mirin

Hayasaka chuckles "Thank you, you two"

"Anytime" Said Mirin

"Now, why don't you tell us the stories on how it happened" Said Subaru "And also maybe giving us some advice on how to date anyone" Subaru points at Mirin "She'll need it"

"Hey!" Shout Mirin in embarrassment

"Alright, alright" Said Hayasaka "Calm down, I'll tell you what happened"

She then told Mirin and Subaru what happened word for word, nothing changed at all... Except for working for Shinomiya thing, but that's not very important... Right?

I'm glad that ended well, let's take a look at Ryota and the student council


The room is tense, in front of Ryota, Chika stood in the middle. Miyuki stood on Ryota's right, and Miko stood on his left. Shinomiya and Ishigami is watching it all unfold

"I was going to tell you all someday" Said Ryota "I promise"

"Enough!" Shout Miko, Ryota flinch's "The fact that this has been going on behind our back made me believe that you're not taking your position in the student council seriously" *SLAM* "I say you shouldn't be dating her anymore!"

"Hold it!" Shout Miyuki "Dating while being a part of the student council is not forbidden, I say he's fine to date anyone"

"Order!" Shout Chika "We're meeting here for one thing and one thing only, that is Sagami's relationship with Hayasaka"

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now