Preparation for The Festival 1

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Ryota and Miyuki is in the student council room, Miyuki sports a serious face. They both sat down at the opposite of each other

"You might be wondering, why did I bring you here" Said Miyuki in a serious tone

"I'm assuming it's about the upcoming festival" Said Ryota

"Well, it's a part of that" Said Miyuki "I need your help"

"You know I'm always down to help you" Said Ryota "Just, what do you need my help for?"

"You're my best friend, I hope you're not going to tell anyone about this" Said Miyuki, Ryota only nods "I need your help... I want to confess to Shinomiya..."

There was a pause "Oh... Okay" Said Ryota

Miyuki is a bit surprised "You're not shocked about this?"

"No, I'm shocked" Said Ryota "Shocked that it took you this long, honestly I've waited for this moment"

"What? Wait, you knew?"

"It's pretty obvious! Heck I tried to get you two with each other for so long!" Said Ryota "All that plan... And it's all for nothing..."

"Huh? You're saying you knew... All this time?" Asked Miyuki "So, you've been playing matchmaker all this time?"

"Yeah" Said Ryota "Honestly it's surprising only I know about this, it's pretty obvious..."

Miyuki is embarrassed that the war going on between him and Shinomiya is obvious and not well hid at all "Why didn't you tell me...?"

"Because, I didn't wanna tell you" Said Ryota "I did nothing but help you in the background"

"But, you didn't have to help me..." Said Miyuki "Why did you help me?"

"Hmm... Because..." Ryota then put on a smile, as he remembers something "I helped you, because you need help"

There was a pause "Did you just..."

"Yeah I stole your line" Ryota said this with full smugness

"But that was years ago..."

"So?" Said Ryota "Anyway, why now you decided to tell me?"

"I needed someone I could trust, and I thought, why not my best friend?" Said Miyuki "This is a plan that needs help, it's pretty big"

"You know, the Miyu I knew would set this all up in secrets" Said Ryota

"Well maybe I needed help this time" Said Miyuki "Also I wanted to spend time with you"

Ryota smiles. He sighed and said "You need my help, right? Well then, let this be the last time I'm playing matchmaker!" They both smile at one another "So what plan do you have?"

"It maybe a little big, but it's gonna be worth it" Said Miyuki

And so their plan begins


"I'm curious, how many plans did you have?" Asked Miyuki

Ryota opens up a very, very long list, the paper reached the floor. It shows every plan he has to get Miyuki and Shinomiya together, it's not even finished rolling down

"Alright, I get it..."


Chika is walking around the hallways, looking for a certain person. She checked every classroom, nothing! The gym locker? Nothing! The outside? Nothing! The male bathroom? Nothing! The female bathroom? She didn't check it, because why would he be in it?

Playing Matchmaker (Ai Hayasaka X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now