Miyazaki And Shirogane

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Junichi Miyazaki, little brother of Kenji, he's very antisocial, he is always in his room. He doesn't have any friends, that's why no one knows his secret, his secret of being a writer, a writer for a novel. A romance novel, this hobby of his is his only way of escaping reality.

Junichi stretch on his chair, he had just finished another chapter, he seems very proud of it, though he doesn't show it. On online, he goes by the name of Nichin, the novel is not very popular, yet not unknown either. 

Junichi drops to his bed, ready to end the day. In the morning he had received a notification, it's for his new chapter, a message from his fan. It's from someone called Rem

Rem have been reading Junichi's novel and message him frequently, saying stuff like, they enjoy the new chapter, the plot, the characters, etc. Junichi is always happy receiving the message. 

This time, they say that they love the chapter, they then list the good things about the chapter. Junichi is happy, though he doesn't show it. Junichi replied to the message, just then Kenji comes in to Junichi's room

"Time for school!" Said Kenji "Get yourself ready!"

"Do I have to..." Said Junichi

"Yes" Said Kenji




"Would you please just get ready?" Said Kenji

"Fine..." Said Junichi as he got himself off his bed and gets ready for school "Could I have some privacy..."

"The last time I left you alone, you fall back asleep" Said Kenji

"Fair enough..." Said Junichi, after Junichi gets himself ready he went with Kenji to get some breakfast, after they've eaten breakfast Junichi leave to go to school, which school? Shuchi'in Middle school, because of course it is

While walking to school, Junichi looked around, he sees many people having fun with their friends... Junichi envy them, he wanted friends...


When he got to  school, he feels uneasy as a bunch of eyes are on him, and he hears some whisper as people starts avoiding him... This is a usual day for Junichi, he block his ears to try and ignore the whispering

As he walks through the hallway, he still hear whispering, he tried to ignore them. He walks to class, he sits at the very back.

The class went by smoothly, well as smooth as Junichi could hope for, when it's break time Junichi hoped for some peace at the roof, so that's where he went


Junichi goes to the roof, he sat down on the roof for a couple minutes, until someone walks to the roof. It's Kei Shirogane, Junichi tried to just ignore her. 

"Hey, who are you?" Said Kei who is now standing next to Junichi

"Huh...?" Said Junichi "Are you talking to me...?

"Well, you're the only one here" Said Kei

"Sorry..." Said Junichi

"Why are you apologizing?" Said Kei

"Do you... Not know who I am...?" Said Junichi

"Not really..." Said Kei

"It's... Junichi... Miyazaki..." Said Junichi

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