Miyuki's Birthday + A Date With Hayasaka

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Ryota is sitting on the student council couch, along with Chika, Shinomiya is standing while looking at her schedule, she seems to be worried, and Miyuki is sitting as his desk as per usual.

Miyuki's birthday is four days from now, last year Ryota threw Miyuki a birthday party, Miyuki told Ryota that he didn't need to throw him a birthday party, he just thinks that it's just another day.

Truth be told, Ryota got a little out of hand last year... So he decided not to throw him a party this year... He opted just to give Miyuki a present, question is what will he get him? Meanwhile, Shinomiya is freaking out on the inside, Chika takes notices

"What's wrong Kaguya?" Said Chika "Is something bothering you?"

"Well, I supposed you could say it's bothering me..." Said Shinomiya

Chika suddenly put on a witch hat "Well then! The greeat fortune teller Chika shall see where your fate lies!" Said Chika

"Where did you get that?" Said Ryota

"I bought it!" Said Chika

"Why..." Said Ryota "You know what? It's better if I don't know..."

"You made a good choice" Said Chika

"Anyway... What's this about fortune telling?" Said Shinomiya

Chika shows Shinomiya her phone "If you put your gender and birthday into this site, it'll tell exactly how to solve anything you need help with!"

"I don't think you can ask a machine these things..." Said Shinomiya, she looks at the site on Chika's phone "And fortune telling is just ridiculous. First of all how could you anything from just your gender and birthday..." She then have sly smile, like she's plotting something "That sounds fun. Let's do it"

"You just said it's ridiculous..." Said Ryota while Chika cheered, the hat on her head had fallen off, also Ishigami appears

"My birthday is January first. I was born in new year's" Said Shinomiya, she looks at Chika "What about yours? Isn't it..."

"March third! I was born on Hinamatsuri!" Said Chika "What about you, Sagami?"

"I'm not saying it..." Said Ryota

"Huh?!" Said Chika "Why not?!"

"I'm not gonna tell you my birthday..." Said Ryota

"Come on! Tell me!" Said Chika "What's the harm?"

"Fujiwara, I'd advice you not to push him any further" Said Miyuki "He's doesn't like his birthday"

"Huh? Why not?" Said Chika, she decides not to push Ryota any further "Whatever... Let's see, January first..." She puts Shinomiya's birthday on her phone "You have a character like an Alexandrite. Like this gem, bearing the name of a king. You are a noble and exceedingly prideful person. Furthermore, just as this gem may turn red or green according to the light in it's surroundings. According to your own surroundings. You may be at times an angel, and at times a devil. If you can bring yourself to cast away your pride and accepts your feelings. You will find true happiness. That's all!"

"That sounds accurate" Said Ryota, he was mostly thinking about the last part

"Exceedingly prideful..." Said Ishigami "And at times a devil..."

"What was that?" Said Shinomiya, which made Ishigami scared for his life

"Nothing..." Said Ishigami, Shinomiya sighed, while Ishigami is still scared for his life

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