The Pain of Teaching

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Miyuki is seen practicing in the volleyball court while Ryota is seen watching him, Miyuki attempt to do a serve.. But managed to slam his face against the ball and falls to the floor

"You did it again" Said Ryota watching from the side

"Couldn't you help me?" Miyuki said to Ryota and pointing at him

"I don't do sport" Said Ryota, then his face darkened "Also I'm not gonna help you, not again.."

Miyuki then attempt to do another serve but fails miserably, Ryota looks at him in a stoic face, he seemingly seen this somewhere before

Miyuki attempt to do another one but miss the ball entirely and falls on his back "How does this always happen?" At the same time Chika came in and watches as he fails to do the serve

"When did you came in?" Said Ryota seemingly surprised

"10 seconds ago" Said Chika, she then walks up to the president still on the ground "You okay president? Are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine" Said Miyuki before realizing who said it "Secretary Fujiwara?!" Said in a surprised tone "School is over for the day! What are you doing here!?"

"I forgot something. So I came back to get it" Said Chika. Miyuki is freaked out someone beside Ryota saw him fail

"Why didn't you say anything?!" Said Miyuki to Ryota while pointing at him

"I didn't see her..." Said Ryota as he nervously sweat a little "Sorry..."

Miyuki is now scared because his reputation could be ruined by Fujiwara of all people, Chika is seen playing with the ball..

"We're starting volleyball lesson soon, so I've been borrowing the gym at night to practice." Explained Miyuki now standing up from the ground "As you can see my serve need some work"

"Oh okay" Said Chika "Couldn't Ryota help you with that?"

"I don't do a lot of sport so I can't" Said Ryota

"Alright then how about I coach you?" Said Chika happily to Miyuki

"Trust me, you don't want to do that" Said Ryota

"Of course I want to help him!" Said Chika, then she points at Ryota "You're not helping him, you're a bad friend!"

"You'll regret it!" Said Ryota "Also ouch.."

"No I won't!" Said Chika, she then turn to Miyuki "So? What do you say?"

Miyuki sighed "You? Shouldn't you be able to do something yourself before offering to teach others?"

"Hey! Volleyball is easy" Said Chika as she proceed to do a serve the ball over the net "See?"

Miyuki is impressed "Amazing! That serve was beautiful!"

"That was.. Not that amazing" Said Ryota

"You can't even do it!" Said Chika pointing at Ryota angrily

"Touché" Said Ryota

"You were able to do that?!" Said Miyuki still impressed

"I'm sure you'd get really good right away if I taught you" Said Chika happily

"There's still time Fujiwara, don't do it!" Said Ryota

"Shut up you!" Said Chika angrily, Ryota backs off...

"President, when you want someone to teach you something, how are you supposed to act?" Said Chika going back to being happy

"P... Please teach me" Said Miyuki

"Okay! Let's do it" Said Chika excitedly "Alright why don't you show me some few serves? That way I can see what you need to work on!"

Miyuki attempt to do the serve 3 times, but he fails every single time

"How... Does that even happen?" Said Chika...

"I have no idea" Said Miyuki

"Told you you'll regret it" Said Ryota which Chika promptly ignored

"Every time I try, I end up hitting my head. If I focus on not hitting my head, then I can't get the timing right" Miyuki explained "If I do this I can't do that. It's a complete deadlock!"

 "For one thing, your eyes need to be open when you hit the ball" Said Chika

"Isn't that obvious?" Said Miyuki "How are you supposed to see the ball without your eyes open?"

"Yes yes, it's very obvious" Said Chika "So try keeping your eyes wide open this time okay?"

"What exactly supposed to be changing here?" Said Miyuki, he tries once again, but still ended up failing "See? I told you it wouldn't work"

"Because they weren't open!" Said Chika "Your eyes weren't open!! If it's so obvious, why aren't you doing it!"

"Huh?!" Said Miyuki confused

"She's... Right" Said Ryota still watching from the sideline

Chika then show Miyuki her phone "Here look at this video! They're not the tiniest bit open!"

"Huh... No way.." Miyuki is shocked "Is this what they call the yips?!"

"Knock it off! Don't try to sound like you're some expert on this" Said Chika

Ryota chuckles a bit before saying "Y'know I would love to see what happens next, but it's getting late"

"Oh right, see you tomorrow Ryo" Said Miyuki waving goodbye

"Bye Miyu" Said Ryota waving goodbye and leaving the chaos

Ryota's Mansion

Ryota is seen laying on his bed while Kenji is beside him

"Ryota, I wanted to ask you something" Said Kenji

"What is it?" Said Ryota

"What is your school like?" Said Kenji

"It's just an ordinary rich school.. Why ask?" Said Ryota

"Well... Because I'm planning to transfer there.." Said Kenji, which promptly made Ryota sit up

"Wait really?" Said Ryota "When?"

"Sometime around next semester.." Said Kenji "Y'know.. to watch over you"

Ryota sighed "Kenji, I'm old enough now.. I don't need your protection"

"Listen Ryota.. I want to transfer.." Said Kenji "It's not your father's choice, it's mine"

"If you want to, then go ahead" Said Ryota smiling "Oh by the way did my father send any letter?"

"No, I'm afraid not yet" Said Kenji

"Oh.. yeah" Said Ryota a bit more sadly, then Kenji put his hand on Ryota's shoulder

"It's okay, you'll see him again, he's just.. a busy man" Said Kenji

"Thanks.." Said Ryota smiling

One Week Later

Ryota is surprised to say the least, Miyuki is actually doing it, he's playing volleyball "Y'know I didn't think you could do i- What happened to you?" Ryota said to Chika before seeing her all bandaged up

"I did it.." Said Chika crying in joy

"Why is there a bandage on your bow?" Said Ryota confused

"You don't wanna know.." Said Chika, she watched Miyuki scoring points "I raised that boy"

"What are you, his mother?" Said Shinomiya confused

"I'll be damn, you make a pretty good teacher.." Said Ryota quietly, so as to not be heard by Shinomiya

"I guess I do.." Said Chika more happily "You're still a bad friend" This makes Ryota a bit sad 

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