Chapter 1: Deal!

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"This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, coming in," Obi-Wan said as he pressed the com button while flying his ship from Naboo back to Coruscant, returning from a mission

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"This is Obi-Wan Kenobi, coming in," Obi-Wan said as he pressed the com button while flying his ship from Naboo back to Coruscant, returning from a mission. "Do you copy?" he inquired over the com.

"Obi-Wan, I'm expecting you shortly?" responded a voice on the other end of the com.

"Yes, Master, precisely," Obi-Wan replied.

He set the ship on autopilot and leaned back in his chair, a luxury he couldn't enjoy with his master present without receiving a lecture. He closed his eyes and drifted into a light sleep, only to be abruptly awakened by a persistent beeping sound. Startled, he quickly adjusted in his seat and disengaged the ship from autopilot. Despite his best efforts to steer away from the approaching asteroid, he was still hit.

The ship suffered a massive impact, resulting in a deafening crash and a flashing red light on the control panel. The main engine was damaged. Obi-Wan panicked, cursing himself for falling asleep. He urgently searched for the nearest planet where he could land and call for help. The closest location was Mos Eisley, a space station.

Obi-Wan navigated the damaged ship towards Mos Eisley as fast as he could with the crippled engine, fully aware of how furious his master would be at the mess he had created. He arrived at the planet, but the ship went out of control, making a clean landing nearly impossible. He touched down roughly, not where he had intended to, but in a deserted area surrounded by miles of sand and no signs of civilization.

He tried to use the com link, but it was unresponsive, and the ship required serious repairs. Frustrated, he ran a hand through his hair, trying to figure out his next move.

Leaving the ship behind, he began walking for miles in search of anyone who could help him escape this predicament. Fortunately, he didn't have to walk for long before spotting the space station in the distance. His paranoia had convinced him that it would take hours to find civilization, and he might collapse in the sand without assistance.

After a while, he reached the space station and inquired about someone who could assist with ship repairs or offer a ride back to Coruscant.

"Go to the Cantina," suggested a guard. "You'll likely find plenty of pilots there."

Inside the Cantina, the atmosphere was lively, with loud music and patrons enjoying drinks and conversations. Obi-Wan approached the bar and asked the bartender, "Is there a pilot here who can take me to Coruscant?"

The bartender pointed to a brunette across the room, sipping a blue drink. She had dark brown hair, wore a red leather jacket, large boots, and had a blaster holstered on her thigh. Although surrounded by people, she didn't seem engaged in conversation. "She can help," the bartender said.

Obi-Wan approached the woman, standing in front of her until she noticed him. "I need a lift to Coruscant," he said abruptly, catching her attention.

"What?" she asked, appearing perplexed.

"I need a ride to Coruscant," Obi-Wan repeated, calmer this time.

She let out a small laugh, looked away, and said, "And I need a million credits. We can't always get what we want." She took another sip of her drink, leaving Obi-Wan extremely puzzled.

She stood up and suggested, "How about a thousand credits?"

"I'm afraid I don't have that on me right now. Can't I give you the payment on Coruscant?" Obi-Wan tried to negotiate.

She scrutinized him, her eyes fixing on his lightsaber. "You're one of those Jedi guys, eh?" she said sarcastically.

Obi-Wan gulped. "No, no, I'm not," he replied, feeling the need to conceal his identity at this moment.

"Yes, you are, with those twiggy little braids," she mocked, pointing at his Padawan braid. "And you're wearing those old, dusty robes."

Obi-Wan glanced down at his robes, feeling somewhat self-conscious.

"I'll tell you what, Jedi. Let me have a go with that sparkly lightsaber, and I'll take you to Coruscant."

Obi-Wan was appalled by the audacity of her request. A lightsaber was a Jedi's most important and sacred possession—it was their life. He couldn't possibly allow her to even touch it. "No, absolutely not!" he replied, somewhat offended.

She sat back down and said, "Alright, then, move along, Jedi."

Obi-Wan felt frustrated, frowning as he stared at her while she maintained her focus on the wall. "Alright, what exactly does 'having a go' mean?"

She smiled. "I just want to hit things with it."

"What things?"

"I don't know."

"I'll choose what you can hit, but only one thing," he said.

She stood up excitedly and extended her hand. "Deal!" Obi-Wan shook it.

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