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Deborah, Mavis, Constance, and Lydia left their bungalows at 5:50 am. and headed to the hall to work. As they got closer, they noticed the blood from the door post to the parking lot, where one of the cars were parked. They thought a murder was going on inside the mansion, so they were scared to go in.

"EI! WHERE FROM ALL THIS BLOOD??!" Constance exclaimed with a dropped jaw.

"OMG, I think someone was murdered in here!" Lydia gasped

No way! This looks like period blood to me. Look at the huge clots in them - Deborah bent to inspect the blood, and they warned her not to get close.

Yeah, it will either be period blood or miscarriage blood cx these clots are way too big - Lydia suggested

"Ew, nasty... I'm never cleaning this!"
Mavis grossed out and headed inside, but as soon as she opened the door, she immediately shut it cx there's was more blood all over the place.


"What's wrong?" They quailed

"There's more blood in there!"
She answered & Constance immediately collapsed with the sweeping brush in her hand. Deborah slapped her cheek, and she got up from her "fake collapse." After gathering courage to go inside, they traced the blood and realised it was from Kelvin's room. It was an eyesore and a very disgusting one to behold. They quickly left to go get cleaning materials and new beddings.

Robert felt a strong urge to wake up this morning (which was quite strange), so he did. It was very unusual for him to wake up this early after hitting 50. The only reason he'd wake up early (as the boss he was) was if he had a flight to catch, a meeting to attend, or maybe had an urge to do so like today. Kristen always woke up before him within the hours of 5-6 am, but she overslept today because she was tired from yesterday. He did a few stretches after getting out of bed, wore his morning coat, and left to the hall.

"JESUS CHRIST!" Robert gasped at the bloody mess created at his hall as soon as he got there. Who could have possibly invaded his home in such a horrifying way?! He cautiously followed the trace of the blood and found himself in Kelvin's room, to his suprise.

There were so many blood clots on their bed and on the floor! It was so alarming to the extent of him not even wanting to come close to it. So he remained at the entrance, calling out for them (thinking they were in the washroom) until the maids came rushing with their gloves, rags, paper towels, mop+mop buckets, rubber bags, beddings, detergents and air refreshers.

"Good morning, sir," They greeted their boss, and he questioned them about the situation.

Can y'all tell me what the hell happened in here? Why is there blood all over my son's room and the hall??!

We're sor--sorry sir, bu--but we, we just, we just came on duty and saw the blood everywhere. Mavis answered

"Ok--okay, so where is my son?"

"We don't know where he is, please. His door was left ajar when we came here."

"Well, what about his car? Is his car parked outside??!"

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