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"Fix your faces on your way to the kitchen... I don't want to see anyone with a grumpy face on. If anyone should wear a grumpy face, it should be me because y'all kept me waiting here for almost an hour, and I'm not even complaining!"

Kris scolded as Phoebe, Hartwell, Sonia & Michelle walked to the kitchen with frowns on. Trudy went back to the room to get ready after she was informed that her uncle would be taking her to the hospital. She was excited to be exempted from this year's street charity operation because she'd get to spend some time with Xay afterwards. Phoebe was sent to go fetch Chantel (who was busily ordering stuff online because Makaveli was asking for his credit card), so she paused to join in the preparations until everything was done. They explained things to her because it was her first time, and she thought it was a great idea (until the drill actually started). Kelvin called Nana, and she claimed she was coming downstairs in a minute. Chelsea came worrying her mother to connect her on a video call with her friends abroad after Robert sacked her from the room.

"Mommy, can you put Mckenzie and Cleon on for me? I want to talk to them now!" She demanded, handing over her ipad to her.

"Not now, honey. Go to daddy to help with that."

"Daddy said I should come to you because he's going to bath..."

Well, then wait for him because mommy is busy right now - Kris ignored and she curled herself to the floor and cried all her frustration out.

HEY! HEY! CHELSEA! Do you want me to go get the cane? -
Brad scolded, but she cried even louder. She was getting frustrated over the fact that no one was paying attention to her request. When she wanted something, she wanted it faster than immediately like the spoiled brat she was.

"Come here, Chels, I'll do it for you."

NO! I WANT MOMMY TO DO IT FOR ME! She rejected Kelvin's offer and pulled the end of her mom's coat for attention, causing them to laugh.

Jesus! QUIT THE SASSY ATTITUDE AND GO MAKE USE OF YOUR BROTHER'S OFFER NOW BEFORE IT PASSES BY! Daddy and mommy can not always give you what you want, honey! Kris barked & pulled her morning coat out from her hand.

"What--ever, mommy... fuck you if you won't do it for me!"

She spat and wiped her tears. Her brothers could not believe what just came out of her small mouth because they could never dare cuss out on their parents at 5 years old!

Excuse me?? Kris on the other hand, wasn't surprised.After all, they always cussed out in her presence so who could blame her?

"HERH! CHELSEA?!" Kelvin exclaimed in shock.

HEY! HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT???!! Bradley stopped what he was doing and went to deal with her. Now she was scared straight: her heart throbbed in fear of what was coming her way.

"GET UP! HEY! GET UP! GET UP!" He snatched her ipad, pulled her up from the floor by the arm (with so much aggression), grabbed her pyjamas and began spanking her bum with his palm.

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