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The house wasn't complete with Delbert and Ivan being arrested. Kris pleaded with Robert to release them tomorrow because she wanted everyone around for Chelsea's birthday party, but he refused. Ayana could not stop crying after her boyfriend's arrest. She wanted to go plead with Robert to release him, but she was afraid, so she spoke to Kris instead, and Kris assured they'll be released.

Robert ordered the policemen to flog them and put them in separate cells before they killed each other. But he made sure they didn't mix them with other people so that they would be comfortable. The officers locked them up in their separate cells after giving them 30 whips at their bare backs (with canes that had little thorns around them). The thorns on the canes ate the hell out of their flesh, causing them to groan in agony as their backs burned and bled. After they were left alone to reflect on their folly, Ivan realised he was in the wrong and wanted to apologise to Delbert for attacking him instead of thanking him for taking Sharon to the hospital. Delbert, on the other hand, realised he wasn't supposed to be here in the first place. He couldn't believe this was what he got in return for helping a soul for his cousin's sake. Life was indeed not fair. Ivan had dealt harshly with him, and didn't think he could forgive him for this. He only imagined what Ayana would be going through alone in that mad house with his crazy cousins.
Even tho they were arrested, they had privileges the other prisoners didn't have because they committed no offence. This was just a normal punishment method for them since teenage. So they were used to it and were very good friends with most of the policemen. In serious cases, the boys will sometimes bribe the policemen against their fathers orders, then escape to their friends houses to hide until it was time for them to be released, and the policemen would gladly cover up for them. Upon all the smartness their fathers claimed to be, none of them ever found out about this notorious behaviour of their sons. Greg was the only one who suspected something fishy sometimes, but never paid attention to it.

As usual, the policemen were instructed to order whatever food they wanted (even tho they were not going to eat) and allow them use their phones whenever they needed it because Robert paid them well. Yet, it still wasn't fun to be in here. The cells were as stinky and smelly as fuck, and all they wanted to do was to get out! One month was a very long time, and they might have to be notorious once again since plan b was the only way out.

Kris was so stressed prepping for Chelsea's birthday party tomorrow with everything going on. The devil was a liar. He wanted to use these children to ruin Chelsea's birthday like they did to the yacht party and the house party but she wasn't going to allow him. They had better comport themselves tomorrow because she wasn't going to spare anyone who dared to ruin her baby's 6th birthday party. She also planned on visiting Sharon tomorrow first thing in the morning with some clothes and provisions. Her goal tonight was to persuade her husband to release the boys tomorrow so they could attend the birthday party and for Ayana's sake as well. And she was 100% sure of achieving that by hook or crook like the strong-willed person she was.
(11:53 pm)

It was past bedtime and sleep was approaching. Surprisingly, the house felt empty without Sonia, Delbert and Ivan. Everyone cuddled their partners to sleep except for a few of them. Tonight was horrible for Ayana. She laid on her bed, crying and imagining the terrible things Delbert was going through alone in prison. There was no way she could make it throughout the night without his hands around her. Hartwell invited Jibril over again for Chelsea's birthday since he left after the house party, and Michelle did same.

Chantel and Eli were at it again, fucking themselves hard as usual but Chantel wasn't active today. They hadn't been using protection ever since they came here so she was at risk of getting pregnant. Makaveli noticed how hot her body temperature was and how slow she was receiving him so he wanted to stop. Because she was very active during sex, he could easily tell when something was off with her. He kept going for some extra minutes until she burst into tears and begged him to stop but he didn't want to stop now.

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