Wait... The Blake's? Chapter 1

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( Robin's POV )

I turn over groaning loudly as I hear my loud alarm go off. "Ughhh!" I groan staring at my alarm. "Why is it 5:00 already." I complain to myself as I get out of my bed. "Robin?" I look over at my two door entrance room, "Hey...Mom." I say itching my head looking at her slightly embarrassed at my sudden out burst.

"Honey... Can you come down soon, me and your father want to have a conversation with you." I nod slightly confused at her serious tone. "Okay, Yeah I'll be down in a sec, Is it cool if I take a shower... A quick one?" I ask, getting out of my queen bed.

"Yes, but be fast please, you know how your father gets when he waits too long..." She trails off looking around my room. "Well better get Sandy to tidy up your room, but for now get ready please." Before I could respond She left my room.

"Okay Mom..." I say. I walk over to my bathroom to see it freshly clean, as usual. I turn on the water to shower making it cold... As usual...

I only took cold showers since my dad had told me it would make me better at waking up, and more alert... I don't know why though? I guess ever since he forced me to do Basketball he would be almost ruling over my whole life.

I stripped my clothes off quickly before tying my hair up quickly. I get into the shower letting the cool water run over my arms. I inhale sharply at the sudden pierce of coldness hitting my skin.

I Grab my green tea body soap. I really never even wanted to use this... But My dad bought it since he used it all the time.... People called me the mini version of him. I thought as I squirted the soap onto the white loofah.

I began to lather myself in the bubbly substance. But to be honest... I didn't want to be my dad, the mini version... At least...


I got out of the shower in less than 8 more minutes. I grabbed a towel drying off my body. After a second of doing that I wrapped the towel around my waist.

I undid my bun letting the dry hair flow down. I grabbed my brush quickly. I gently brushed my hair staring at myself in the mirror as I slowly looked down for a second.

I quickly then went to my room getting my freshly ironed uniform. I changed, glancing back at my reflection. I once again tied my hair in a bun, this time more neat. Lose strands of hair escaped the bun as I threw them behind my ear.

( Robin's Uniform, and every other boy attending North Golden Valley High School )

( Robin's Uniform, and every other boy attending North Golden Valley High School )

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I looked at myself once more before getting my backpack and going down stairs.

"Sorry I took so long-" I looked at my mom smiling holding a girls hand. "Who is that?" "Oh this is...Sorry Hun one second... Robin... Come here please." My mother says filing me out of the main entrance.

"Who is that?" "Gwen Blake... She'll be staying here... For a while... And her brother. I'm Guessing you might already know him. Finney Blake? Ring a bell?" She asked sitting me down on the couch. "Uh, kinda... Me and Finney aren't exactly in the same crowd ya know... He used to be a silver now he's a ruthless..."

"What Is that?" My eyes widened. "Oh nothing mom..." I say. Only kids knew about the stages or whatever... Parents would ground us if they found out... And what we sometimes did to the lower class.

"Okay... But anyways... Finney and Gwen are fully moving in tomorrow... Finney isn't here yet... Due to...Um... You know what never mind, he'll be coming later tonight... So make sure you treat them well. I invited Kat over so we can all meet each other... Well Finney and Gwen because they don't know her or her brother... What was his name again?" "Christopher." I say.

"Oh yes that was it... But we are having a family dinner, and since Finney and Gwen are just a couple of doors away I want no funny business tonight with Kat." "MOM!" I say covering my face. She raises her eyebrows. "Okay, now go to school or something. I have to show Gwen around the house, and go over her schedule... I love you honey..." She says smiling bringing me into a hug.

"I love you too mom.... Okay Bye, I'll see you later." I smile while walking off. I turn to the left to see Gwen standing patiently looking at a painting. "Hi..." I say looking at her. "Oh, Hi... I'm guessing you're Robin. I'm Gwen, nice to meet you." She says smiling holding out her hand.

I smile back. "Robin... Yeah, nice to meet you by the way." I shake her hand politely. "Okay, Well I would like to hang for a bit, but I have to head to school, see you later." I say before turning and leaving her.

I walk to the doors before I feel a cold hand slap my shoulder. I turn instantly knowing that hand. "Hi dad..." I say looking into his cold icy gray eyes. "Robin... You have a game tonight... Win it... We don't want Finney and Gwen to think you're horrible at the sport I raised you to be in..." My father then roughly pushes me before walking away.

I nod even though he wouldn't see. I quietly head out of the house checking the time as my stomach growled. I didn't eat breakfast or anything... I thought slowly as I opened the door to my car

 I thought slowly as I opened the door to my car

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( Robin's Car )

I continued to walk over to my car opening the door. I sighed before getting into the car. I looked over at my bag that I had just thrown in. My phone was ringing. I picked it up. "Kat... Well... I was kind of expecting that." I thought connecting my phone to the car.

I turned on the car before answering.

"Hey Babe, what's Up?" I ask driving out of the driveway. "Look, I know, your mom invited me over to dinner, but I think we should break up..." My eyes widened. "Fuck, Why?!?" I say upset...

To be honest... Me and Kat had always been like this... On and off, one minute we'll be kissing the next she'll leave me for a college guy, but then just come back... And since I'm so desperate to just be with someone I take her back under my wing.

"It's just I don't know...I feel like you've been distant lately..." "Kat I've had exams. I can't have time to do all this shit." I say annoyed. "Yeah but at least spend some of that time with ME!" She yells.

"Kat let me guess the only reason is since Miles is back? He's back in town, and you want a mature college guy to fuck until he finds an actual decent person who wasn't just with an ex they keep going back to!" I yell. "FUCK YOU ROBIN!"

Not only were me and Kat on and off we were kinda toxic. Before she could finish insulting I hung up.

"God, why the fuck out of all the girls Kat is the only one willing to date me..." I groan as I continue to drive.

I mean it wasn't fully that, a lot of girls per say wanted to date me... Just the fact that Kat would practically threat them if they laid a finger on me.

Heyyy, Okay so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Give me some opinions if you want in the comments, I'd like to know how everyone feels about this story so far.

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