Rinney Chapter 25

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( Robin's POV)

It didn't take long before I saw various body guards crowd around the car stopping people from taking pictures. Finney covered his face and looked like he was about to cry... And in that moment I kinda felt the same. I felt like a pleasing act to the people as they banged on the windows, the flash of cameras on the two of us. 

I knew this would be the biggest thing people would talk about for the next couple of days. And truly this was the exact thing that would probably make my whole life just crash down...just like that. And if I'm being real for once not living in my rich, dreamy, life... I would say I was screwed. Everyone was gonna find out including my dad.

I knew the only reason they had even taken Finney and Gwen in was because...Well...Well, they wanted a better image. That was the only thing...Ever, and I mean I was like that at once giving people money and not giving two fucks about them the second the Instagram post was up. I didn't care, I was reckless and I still am... Considering we got caught.


"ISLA! I told you we should have never taken those pathetic kids in! FOR JESUS SAKE ONE OF THEM IS A FAGGOT!" I heard my dad yell I flinched knowing I was next to face his angry voice, angry face... Angry everything. "NATHAN DO NOT CALL THEM THAT!" I heard my mother yell back. 

I sat my back leaning against the side of my bed. Finney and Gwen were supposedly packing their bags. Finney texted me saying he was...taking off with Gwen, and said something about trying to reach his old friends. It was heart breaking knowing that this was mostly my fault. If I hadn't been that close to Kat at her house... I would have never... This would have never... Happened. But it did. 

My mind drifted off into space before I heard a loud shatter and a thud. I then heard the sound of footsteps, they weren't even steps, they were stomps. It sounded like my dad's. I stood up no longer hearing the furious yelling of my dad or mom. That's when my heart practically stopped beating for a moment. Did he hit her?


(Finney's POV)

I stood in Gwen's room as she looked at me almost worried. "Finney we all screw up sometimes. I'm sure it'll be okay." Gwen said. But I had already packed her a backpack of clothes, food,water, hairbrush, and other things. "Gwen I'd rather be safe than sorry...Besides it was gonna happen some day." "They weren't actually gonna kick us out, they'd probably just give us some other place to stay." "Look, Gwen as much as I love you we need to go now!" I said imapatiently.

Gwen opened her mouth to argue back but was quickly shut down when a loud shatter was heard. It went silent. We had before heard distant yelling, most likely coming from Robin's parents. I then heard loud stomps that sounded like they were heading towards my room. My eyes widened. "Shit." I mumbled quietly. "Um...." I frantically picked up Gwen and my backpack and tossed them out the window that had been slightly open.

"Come on!" I said reaching for Gwen's hands. "No way am I jumping that." She said. I rolled my eyes hearing the footsteps get even louder. "Ugh!" I grabbed her wrist practically stuffing her out the window onto the little wedge of roof provided under her window. 

I did the same quickly closing the window. Our bags had tumbled into the middle of the driveway. They sat there motionlessly as I grabbed Gwen's hand. She took it reluctantly following me as I crawled all over the roof desperate to find the "Spot".

(Flash Back) 

"Finney!" Robin whisper yelled pulling me up onto the roof. "What?" I answered cautiously as Robin led me to an area of the roof that was almost a set up balcony that was surprisingly close to the ground, but yet still had a beautiful view of the stars. "Wow, It's..." "Beautiful?" Robin answered sitting down next to me on a baby blue blanket. He turned to me. "I always dreamed about taking someone up here you know..." Robin said running a hand along my arm. I smiled blushing slightly at the fact Robin had thought of me as a special person. "Do you wanna maybe..." Robin chuckled at his words before digging through his pocket. I only blushed seeing the small pink packet. "Try something?" He said scooting closer. I could feel my heart race. But I smiled at him. "Only if you want to." I mumbled quietly into his ear. "I guess that's a yes then?"  Robin chuckled. He pulled me onto his lap kissing me gently. We weren't exactly in a rush but it felt needy when Robin removed my shirt, in a good way... It felt different this time...Robin's hands slowly ran down my bare body as I towered on top of him. Our foreheads were touching together as I felt Robin's  bare, warm, chest begin to rapidly grow and then deflate. My breathing hitched when Robin moved his large hands to my back moving me even closer. I closed my eyes my breathing quickening... This felt like... It felt like-


Shit as I saw the baby blue blanket still sitting there. We were close enough to jump off the roof and not manage to get hurt. But then again, it was still a bit risky. "Okay, I'm just gonna jump." I said to Gwen before sliding down effortlessly. Gwen cringed at me. "Okay, well It's not going to be that easy for me you know." She mumbled as she did the same except in a more sloppy way. 

"Alright hurry up." I urged her to follow me as I grabbed our bags. I for some reason in the pit of my stomach felt eyes on me but I ignored them. We headed towards the gate meeting the familiar eyes of the gate guard. "Well good Evening sir, why are you guys heading out so late." "Friend emergency." "His-" "His cat died, and he needs us so much right now." Gwen smiled innocently  at the guard as though she knew something no one else did.

He smiled at her. "Aw, that's caring of you two, no was there when my cat passed.But um, enough about that, may I just ask why won't you take a car or something?" "Can't drive." Both me and Gwen said in sync. "Okay free to go I guess." The guard mumbled. He opened the smaller gate for just  for people.

When we reached the end out of their long drive way I turned to Gwen. "Did you know his cat died or something?" "Believe me when you pursue the workers you might find something out rather than have a secret sex life with the richest kid walking planet earth.

SOOOO SORRY FOR BEING MIA FOR LIKE ONE AND A HALF WEEKS! Um, yeahhhh, sorry ya'll, but I hope you enjoyed it! I'll try to update tomorrow!

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