A/N This is for Detention! |My last story|

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Okay so I know this may be a bit off topic, but I lowkey wanna make a good ending for Detention, my last story. For those who have read Detention should I make a good ending... Like the bad ending still happened but Finney won't... Ya know... I don't want to spoil it if you haven't read it yet, and you consider reading it. But, should I? Like I just wanna know, because why not. So Please just say what you want in the comments, so just say, "Oh, I want a good ending too!" Or "No, but thank you for the offer amazing person!" You don't have to exactly say that, but something like that.

And nowwwww, Ima tell you guys some tea at my school! Because why not!

So basically I'm on a track team right, and I was trying out for captain because of my dad... He wants me to be like the best or whatever. But anyways... There's this crusty, dusty, long lost bald shrek baby girl on my track team. And she is soooooooo FAKE! Like this gurl acts nice to me and the other kids, but then behind my back she is talking smack about ME! Like hair up and earrings out! BECAUSE I'M ABOUT TO FIGHT THIS GIRL! LIKE BE SO FOR REAL, and I'm a boy btw, soooo, I guess I can't hit her or anything butttt, I could get one of my friends to beat her booty up! But I'm not that mean...I'm a good child so I'm not going to do anything, but what I want to mainly say is this girl is slow as BALLS compared to the other kids on the team. ( No offence to my girlies who aren't sonic ) But this girl is acting like she's fast as lightning, like no... And the only reason this girl is one of the last people on the vote line. ( By meaning people are able to vote you for captain) Is because her ratty friends are voting for her. But, ya know I don't care, because if there's a tie there'll be a race... ANd lets just say I got a good chance... And I don't mean to be rude but this girl is acting like she's carrying and telling us these tips... And really she should be the one taking these tips, and you might be like omg, what did she do to you? Or like say or whatever. But she said I had nasty ass hair, And I love my curly hair! Like get out of here, I was very offended, and then she was being racist and said I LOOKED BLACK! AND I'M JUST SPANISH! Or not really, I just have tan skin... AND THAT IS SOOOOOO FLIPPING RACIST! And then she also said she was faster than me, but this wasn't that offending, but the fact that she was flexing on it was FUNNY...And now I'm just going to be honest this girl is average speed, but the track team in my school IS COMPETITIVE, so we got some fast ass kids, and of course I'm one of them... Not to be cocky or anything, but I have loads of other things this oger said behind my back. Anyways that's itttt, have a good rest of your day!

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