Advice, Take It Chapter 15

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( Robin's POV )

Okay, I have to say it... Or whatever... Finney officially hates me... Like during dinner last week he completely ignored me when I said hi to him, like rude! I knocked on his door one time he opened it and he just asked me... What? And I know that doesn't sound bad but he said it in this weird bitter, cold, voice. And it was kind of annoying... But now I'm practically on my knees for Finney to even look at me.

"Robin, are you ready bud?" My dad's head then peaks through the door as he looks at me raising his eyebrows. "Look nice, now come on the Stagg's are waiting in their car." "The Stagg's?" I ask confused as I stand up from my bed. "Griffin?" "Oh, that kid?" My dad rolls his eyes. "You have to be polite, Griffin may be your pear one day judged by how much you've been slacking off." 

I walk out of the room following my dad down stairs as usual. My mom smiled at me as she waited patiently at the door. As I walked down the stairs I looked around only to see the usual expensive tables. "You look lovely." My mom said as she smiled at me warmly. I smiled back as I looked around for Finney or Gwen. 

"Aren't Gwen and Finney coming?" "No son, this is a private interview like it should be." My dad said bitterly as he stared at my mom who nodded quickly. I was confused. I knew my dad didn't exactly want some ruthless kids coming under his roof and all. But he just acted bitchy especially to Finney.

Two maids then opened the doors quickly as we saw what looked like a limo. "Robin you go in the back with Griffin, me and your father are going to stay in the front with his parents." I nodded before walking over to the car. "Here you are sir." The guy says before pulling the car door open for me. As I get into the car I'm greeted by a small freckled boy's eyes glued to his phone. 

"Hey..." I say. He looks up turning off his phone before looking at me with a raised eyebrow. Was it funny to admit this kid was one of my first friends, until 8th grade we kinda just split. "Hi." He looks me up and down before slumping down in his seat looking clearly annoyed. "You okay?" "No." "Oh, um, okay..." It was silent for a good minute or two. 

"Do you like that ruthless kid?" "Who?" I say confused as I turn to him. "You know who, tallish, curly hair? The kid lives under your roof for gods sake." "Pfff, why would I like him." I say casually leaning back in my seat slightly uncomfortable. Griffin rolls his eyes. "I think you do." Griffin says pointedly. "Want a drink?" I ask trying to break the tension as I lift up a bottle of champagne. "We're under age, and also if you forgot we have an interview." He said annoyed.

Did I also forget to mention, my other friends, like Wayde convinced me to ignore Griffin so his nerdy self would go away... That sounded  way ruder than planned but whatever. "Also I think if you actually like Finney you shoould admit it instead of l-" "OKAY! We get it!" I say annoyed as I roll my eyes at Griffin. "Not like you can talk anyways, are the rumors true?" "What rumors?" "Don't play innocent buddy, I know about the rumors, and you know too." I say crossing my arms.

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about?" "Uh, yeah you do..." "No I don't know at all, not a single clue." "Okay how about I give you one. Ehm... Oh Billy, I like you soooooo much! I want to have babies with you, even if that isn't possible, I want to get married and move in with each other and change my last name to Showalter!" I say in a high mocking baby voice.

"Showalter, Billy, as if!" Griffin said laughing as he covered his face. "Mhm..." "Don't believe all the things you hear, they are called rumors after all Robin." Griffin says holding his nails up to his face as he picks at them a bit. I scoffed quietly before turning back to Griffin. "Maybe you should follow that too, not everything you hear is true." I say leaning forward.

"Okay boys, ready to go?" My mom calls as the door opens. "Yeah mom." I glanced at Griffin who was rolling his eyes as we got out of the car. "Have a good time Mr. Stagg, and Arellano." "Thanks." I say smiling as I checked out the tall building towering above. "Any other rich kids gonna be here?" "Nah, they wouldn't make the cut." Griffin said looking at me quickly before following out parents up the stairs.

It was true if we were all being honest, not to sound cocky or anything but my dad's net worth was... a lot, and so is my mom... Same for Griffin, so I guess you could say we're a big deal.


I think it was about twelve questions about me and Finney, or mainly Finney, half I couldn't even answer because he ignored me now, so I barely knew him...Well I did and I didn't. In a big office room waiting for my dad to show up as Griffin was reading something.

I sighed out of boredum as I stared at the ceiling. "I know I'm not really your friend or anything in all, but make a move." Griffin says keeping his eyes on the magazine he was now reading. "Excuse me?" "Make a move with you know who, everyone knows that you've been secretly flirting with him or whatever." Griffin puts down the magazine looking up at me. 

"He lets you get away with it for some reason. So that's clearly a big sign... He is and was trying to definitely tell you something. My advice is to break up with Kat and be with who you actually want to be with. My advice for you." Griffin nods to me before leaving the room. I nod, was  he right?

"Robin!" My mom opens the door, "me and your father are going to a small party and are going to stay over night, we called an uber for you and they're here." My smiles before leaving quickly. I walked out of the room still thinking about what Griffin had been saying.


I walked up the stairs quickly looking for the room. My house had been slightly dark as the sun had been most likely setting in a minute or two. I reached the door knocking quickly and loudly. I heard faint footsteps grow closer before the knob to the door opened. "Robin?" I looked down and saw the curly brown haired boy look up at me smiling. "Finn... I'm just gonna apologize before hand..."

"For what?" "This." I say. I quickly kissed Finney before breaking away. He looked up at me... He then leaned up kissing me softly. He broke the kiss staring back up  at me. "Are we actually gonna do this?" "Why not?" I mumble softly. Finney slowly nod before pulling him in to kiss him hungrily. 

I stumbled into his bedroom as he began to unbutton my top quickly. I took off his shirt gaining more skin access as I ran my hand through his hair. I quickly pulled out my phone tossing it onto the night stand before moving to Finney's neck. Finn moaned softly as I sucked on his soft skin. 

I heard little buzzes coming from my phone but all I could do was think about two things. Finney, kissing Finney.

The only thing that kept popping up had been Kat's name over and over again, calls and texts missed... That's it... And Robin didn't even know.

Hehe, I hope you guys enjoyed it, and um, I'm re-watching Teen wolf because I have nothing better to do, don't judge me. And also of course you guys know that crusty mole rat I was talking about, yeah well turns out her sister is this other rat girl who tries to rizz up my friends.... HELP!

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